I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1237: This is called momentum

"When did you, a small deputy hall master, represent the whole righteous alliance?" Only a voice appeared, and a slightly mocking word came.

When Bei Xuan heard that, he was furious, and someone dared to look down upon him?

Who the **** is it?

Others also wanted to know who was so brave enough to ridicule this Bei Xuan, only to see that Qin Mo had already come here.

Qin Mo deliberately slowed down his pace so that he could be more pretentious. Didn't it happen when the God of Gamblers appeared?

This is called momentum!

However, this kind of aura needs Qin Mo himself to condense, and a shocking weather surges out of Qin Mo's body.

This momentum instantly destroyed that Emperor Wu's momentum, and even made those strong in the righteous alliance feel pressure.

What's the matter? Why does Qin Mo have such a powerful aura? This is not like a martial artist in the Martial Pill realm can possess!

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful?" Bei Xuan said.

"Why? Because I am from Longdao, do you know what Longdao means?" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, how could you be from Longdao?" Bei Xuan's expression changed drastically. He stared at Qin Mo, his eyes filled with incredible colors.

"Why can't I be from Longdao?" Qin Mo sneered when he heard it, "You can now know what the real Longwei is!"

Qin Mo's body shook, and a ripple appeared in the air at this moment, flying in front of him.

The disciples of the Spring and Autumn Sect immediately felt that they could stand up, and their faces showed joy.

"You...impossible, this is Longwei? And it's also the Longwei of Emperor Wu? How could it be?" Bei Xuan's expression was shocked.

This is not the dragon power, but the emperor's might, but Qin Mo has a crystal-level emperor of 600,000. This kind of emperor's aura can deter low-level Wudan realm powerhouses, but it is useless to Wudi powerhouses.

However, it is still possible to expel the power of Emperor Wu.

"If you are young, don’t say it’s impossible. This young master is not afraid to tell you. As long as this young master gets angry, let alone you, even if you divide the hall, you can easily destroy it. You, a deputy branch master, dare To my Spring and Autumn Sect to be wild?" Qin Mo said loudly.

What a big tone!

If Qin Mo said these words at other times, I am afraid that Bei Xuan would directly shoot him to death, but now it is different. Qin Mo has Longwei, which has proved that he is not much different even if he is not from the dragon clan. .

And there are snarling dogs here, who else would dare to underestimate Qin Mo?

"Dare you underestimate our righteous alliance?" Bei Xuan said loudly.

"Of course I will not underestimate the righteous alliance, I underestimate it, but you!" Qin Mo said.

"You!" Bei Xuan's face changed drastically when he heard Qin Mo's words.

"Snarling Sky Dog, teach him a lesson!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes!" Roaring Sky Dog immediately responded, as if Bei Xuan in front of him was just an ant!

Qin Mo didn't know the strength of the Sky Dog, but at present, even the Dragon Emperor seemed to be very afraid of Sky Dog.

According to the system's prompts, the snarling dog is a monster that can grow, and it will grow longer and longer.

As long as it maintains a strong strength, it is definitely a good thing for Qin Mo.

Qin Mo had asked the Sky Dog just now, and the Sky Dog answered Qin Mo that he wanted to deal with this Bei Xuan, but he could do it easily.

"But it's just a monster beast, do you think you will be my opponent?" At this time, Bei Xuan couldn't even want to speak, only seeing his palm blast in front of him.

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