I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1261: How is it executed?

"Qin Mo, I want to know how your truth is implemented?" Chen Ji seemed to have guessed that Qin Mo was the one who subdued this Qilin Sect by force, so he asked another question.

"How to do it? Of course, I used my mouth to convince them. I'm not afraid to tell you. In order to persuade them, I spent ten minutes deciding how to give a speech. I am sincere and sincere. Words, coupled with my extraordinary personal charm..." Qin Mo started to digress again.

"Qin Mo, can you tell me more briefly?" Chen Ji said, rather helpless.

"Simpler? Of course there is no problem. Since you have said that, I will tell you that, in fact, things like theory are not so easy to say, so I will send a snarling dog to talk with them!" Qin Mo said.

"Snarling Dog? What is that?" Chen Ji finally found the point, he said.

"The Sky Dog is him!" Qin Mo pointed to the Teddy-like black dog next to him, and said.

After Chen Ji heard this, his brow furrowed: "Qin Mo, stop talking nonsense. I want to know how you are against those Wudi strong. You told me that this black dog can deal with that Wudiqiang. Who? Just kidding!"

"Master, I really didn't lie to you!" Qin Mo said helplessly.

"This is just an ordinary black dog. What ability does it have..." Just halfway through Chen Ji's words, he felt that everyone's eyes were a bit wrong, and their eyes fell behind him.

"What? Do you think there is something wrong with this Demon King?" The snarling voice of the Sky Dog rang.

When Chen Ji turned his head, he saw the black dog that was taller than a human staring at him. It was extremely cruel and looked terrifying. Is this the black dog just now?

After a while, Chen Ji left and gave Qin Mo the commander. This time, he announced that he would unconditionally support Qin Mo as the seventh commander!

After becoming the Seventh Commander, Qin Mo is qualified to summon all the surrounding sects, but then they will encounter some troubles.

"Report to the Seven Commanders, the people of the Eight Desolate Regions are not willing to come!"

"Vengeful Seven Commanders, those who leave Xuanzong are not willing to come!"

"The Seven Commanders of Revenge..."


Among the people in this seventh branch, there are a total of fifteen sects and fifteen domains, but now there are six domains that are not willing to come.

In this case, there is no way to summon these people.

The people who came here seemed to understand that they wanted to embarrass Qin Mo!

What about making Qin Mo the leader of the seven? They are not satisfied, what can Qin Mo do?

At this time, Qin Mo sneered and said, "Since they won't come, I will expel them from our seventh branch!"

After everyone heard it, they regretted, why did they come here? The sects here did not accept Qin Mo. The reason was simple, because Qin Mo was only a member of the Spring and Autumn Sect.

What is Chunqiu Sect? None of the sects present was weaker than the Chunqiu Sect, but now, this Chunqiu Sect was able to obtain the position of Seven Commanders. Although they didn't want to accept it, they seemed to have no way to refuse.

Listening to what Qin Mo said now, they thought that Qin Mo could not deal with those sects at all. If they knew that he did the same, wouldn't they be able to get rid of Qin Mo?

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