I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1280: Pretend to be forceful, pretend to be big!

Some people who knew the power of the hammer were shocked. They picked up the hammer, but Qin Mo waved it with one hand. How powerful is this great leader?

Qin Mo got some invisible pretending points because of this, but Qin Mo didn't care, pretending to be forceful, he had to pretend to be big!

The smile on Qin Mo's face began to change and became serious. Everyone felt that Qin Mo's aura had also changed, but they couldn't feel what it was.

At this time, Qin Mo raised the hammer and hit the drum.

"Boom!" Only a heavy voice appeared.

This sound rippled in the air, and everyone only felt a bit stuffy in their chests. It was a terrifying attack. How could this drum hammer and war drum affect their body and spirit?

Qin Mo's voice has been heard:

"Furious, lean on the railing, rest in the rain!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" When Qin Mo yelled this sentence, the voice was loud and passionate, and the drum hammer in his hand had already hit the war drum. The three consecutive drum beats made everyone's chest feel like There was a fire.

"Lift our sight, the sky and shouts, grand, vehement!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Thirty fame, dust and soil, eight thousand miles away, clouds and months!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When they heard the tenth drum beat, everyone's faces were shocked at this time, and they felt power gushing out of their chests.

In that drum, the sound that broke out turned into a sky full of spiritual energy, rushing to the people around, all people, even those who are strong in the Martial Emperor realm, feel that their realm is improving, how is this possible!

"Ten sounds! This... how did he do it? Isn't his strength stronger than the previous masters?" The butler was shocked.

Compared with other people, he is more familiar with this drum. Not only is this drum extremely heavy, it also has a terrifying counter-shock power. How could Qin Mo be able to bear it?

Of course Qin Mo ignored these, he continued to sing.

"Don't wait any longer, the young man's head is white, empty and sad!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"The shame of Lanshan is still not snowing. When will the leader hate be destroyed, drive the long boat and break through the scarlet city!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

The continuous drumming made the eyes of the people present red. On Xuelan Mountain, the Righteous Alliance was defeated, and the leader was missing. This shame, there is no snow yet.

Qin Mo wants to break through Scarlet Blood City, the main city of the Demon League?

"Hungry to eat demon slave meat, laugh and talk about thirsting for brutal animal blood!"

"Boom! Boom!"

These two sentences refer to the demon slaves of the demon league, as well as the brutal beasts in the demon league. It is said that those brutal beasts are a race of half humans and half beasts. , And Qin Mo sang like this, but the people present were excited.

"Be from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, overturned Que!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Overturned? Does it mean Quecheng? In contrast to the Scarlet Blood City, Tianque City is the main city of the Righteous Alliance. Qin Mo's ambitious mind is indeed shocking. These people, but from the bottom of their hearts, admire Qin Mo, and being able to make a song can indeed make people around The warrior felt his blood boil.

This song is so wonderful that everyone can't believe that Qin Mo is not only a martial artist, but also a young man with such a talent.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully creating a battle poem! A crystal treasure chest is specially rewarded to the host!"

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