I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1285: I know at a glance that he is not a good person!

"Master, are you serious?" He was a little excited when only hearing the second commander.

This second commander was carrying a big sword. He was a young man, but he seemed to be nearly thirty.

"Of course it's true, when will this leader tell lies?" Qin Mo waved his hand and said.

"Grand Commander, when are you going to leave?" Jiu Commander asked.

"Leave in a moment!" Qin Mo replied.

In such a hurry? Everyone was a little surprised, but it was still acceptable. After all, they were martial artists, not those spoiled eldest ladies, so they didn't have much opinion on Qin Mo's words.

Qin Mo will be so much in advance, mainly because he is worried that there will be an inner ghost here. Yes, even in the righteous alliance and the demon alliance, it is estimated that the other party's inner ghost will be inserted. This is not surprising to Qin Mo. He only needs it now. Race against time, if you reach the dragon tribe sooner, maybe you can change something.

The place where the dragon tribe is located is a desert area called Panlongdi. There are some dragons living here. These dragons will have the characteristics of dragons more or less, and the characteristics of these dragons are their heads. Have horns, or have a tail behind, or have dragon scales on their body.

These dragon people live here, and they seem to make a living by hunting. Of course, the hunting they hunt is different from humans. The hunting they hunt is those powerful monsters, even monsters of the Emperor Wu level. Can become their prey.

Here, at this time, a group of humans are being captured by them. Among these people, a few of them, Qin Mo, also knew them, it was Cen Lesheng and the elders of Chunqiuzong!

"Sect Master, we probably won't be able to survive this time, and this time we are considered reckless!" Only one of the elders said.

"Finally, even if we can't survive, we hope Yuer can survive!" Cen Lesheng sighed.

"Ms. Cen Yu, she will definitely survive!" the elder said, "I'm just a little helpless, I can't attend the wedding banquet between her and His Royal Highness!"

"Elder Han, Sect Master Cen, do you think His Highness Overlord will come to save us?" Another elder said.

After the elder finished speaking, even he himself showed a wry smile.

This is not the Spring and Autumn Sect, what can Qin Mo do alone? Come to rescue them? If Qin Mo comes here, it is estimated that there will be no scum left!

Of course, everyone still has a little hope in their hearts, although they all know that this one is hopeless.

Outside of this piece of Panlongland, a group of people also appeared here at this time. They were wearing black robes and had a strange mark on their chests. If the powerful forces on that continent would naturally recognize them at a glance, this is notorious. The obvious super power-the magic league!

The Demon League is very strong, at least on the bright side of the entire continent, the Demon League is one of the strongest, and it is opposed to the Righteous League!

The characteristic of these people is that they are wearing black robes and have a mark on their chests, and it is said that the status division in the magic league is quite strict, and the following crimes will be practiced.

The color of the logo on the chest in the Demon League can represent their status. The blue color is the Wuxu realm, the red color is the Wuzun realm, the silver is the Wudan realm, and the gold is the Wudi realm.

Now in the demons here, the headed one turned out to be a woman, and the cloak that this one wore made her figure significantly smaller than other men.

However, on her chest, she has a golden logo and a gold-rimmed cloak, she turned out to be a Martial Emperor Realm woman!

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