I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1290: Up, up together

"Xuelan Shame, let us snow!" someone said loudly.

"There is a chief who beats the drums for us, what else should we worry about?" Another humanitarian.

"Go, let's go together, slaughter these demons!" the third person said.


Numerous strong men in the righteous alliance have already taken action, and they discovered that the golden light on the surface of their bodies can actually resist attacks from warriors who are in their own realm, or even stronger than their own realm, and it is very easy to resist!

Even if they were injured, they felt that their bodies were recovering quickly.

With the sound of Qin Mo's drums, the strength of the warriors present was greatly increased, and those in the Demon League were not so lucky.

With Qin Mo's help, the Righteous Alliance completely gave up their defenses and replaced them with injuries. This had no effect on them, because Qin Mo's drums were able to restore their injuries.

This change was felt even in the current Moyue. Thanks to Qin Mo's help, the people in the righteous alliance have greatly increased their combat effectiveness and morale.

The second commander was facing a man with a gold-rimmed cloak. He was obviously a sword repairman, and Wuhun was also a great sword. When this sword was cut down, the sword energy turned out to be as big as ten zhang, and he cut out to the opponent in front of him. .

The man in the cloak was obviously not weak. Although facing the attack of the second commander, he did not appear to be injured. It was just a temporary one!

At this time, the second commander had given up his defense, only to see a golden light appeared on his sword. Under one sword, it was pressed down like a huge mountain. The face of the man in the gold-rimmed cloak changed. Has become half-man and half-eagle.

Possession of a martial soul can strengthen his attack power and body. Now this man with a golden rim cloak is like that. His martial soul should be an eagle-shaped martial soul, but now he is fused with it. Up.

This claw did not touch the sword of the second commander, but slapped it on the left shoulder of the second commander.

One sword for one claw!

The second commander is also a cruel person. He doesn't fight the snarling dog, because he knows that even if he fights with the snarling dog, there is only a dead end, but now it's different.

The man in the Phnom Penh cloak in front of him was actually not far behind him in terms of strength. With the help of Qin Mo's drums, the current second commander could even suppress the man in the Phnom Penh cloak in terms of realm.

However, the two exchanged a move, which is also very cruel. No one knows who can win the other side. With this sword, the man was cut and flew directly, and the man's left shoulder was almost cut off.

And the left shoulder of the two commanders was also penetrated by this claw, bloody, looking extremely bloody.

The two changed their moves, and it seemed that the injuries they received were similar, but there was a faint golden light on the shoulders of the second commander, and his injuries started to recover.

What drum sound is this, and can it still have this effect?

Although the recovery was not fast, it was enough for the second commander. The man in the golden cloak was bound to die!

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were violent. Isn't this too bad for the sky? Who on earth is that commander? How could there be such a terrifying drum sound?

You should know that using drums to enhance the combat effectiveness of other companions or subordinates, but it has never been able to heal people!

But at this time, Jiu Tongling, her weapon is a bow, her martial spirit is also a bow martial arts, Jiu Tongling's face is cold, in front of her is the owner of the battle bear spirit, this kind of land A war bear can greatly enhance his defense.

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