I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1294: Don't engage in personality worship

"Don't be like this, don't be like this. Although this commander is excellent, I hope you will not engage in personality cult. This commander is not such a person!" Qin Mo said very "humbly".

"Grand Commander, now that the Demon League is repelled, we will be able to enter the Dragonite tribe if we go further, but these Dragonites, I'm afraid they won't be friendly, should we force it?" said Jiu Commander.

"Hardly? How can this be? We are civilized people. We are going to be the guests of the Dragon Tribe this time. We must be polite, just follow me!" Qin Mo shook his head.

Be a guest of the Dragon tribe?

When everyone heard Qin Mo's words, their expressions were a little weird. Do you think the Dragon Tribe would allow you to be their guest?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task. The second step is to find the dragon tribe! Reward the host a crystal treasure chest!"

"Ding, trigger the third step of the task, save the captured righteous alliance strong!"

Sure enough, this task was completed, and Qin Mo could continue the third step of the task. This time he was going to face the dragon man, and he wanted to save the righteous alliance powerhouses who were captured.

Now Qin Mo's treasure chest has collected 150,000 devices, and the seven love treasure boxes have also collected 2 million seven love values.

I don't know if I will have the opportunity to pretend next time!

After all, after using the drum of Heavenly Court once, it would take a month to recover, and now Qin Mo could no longer use it.


"Auntie, do we really let them enter the Dragon Tribe? If they really unite with the Dragon Tribe, then we might be in trouble!" Only a man with a Phnom Penh cloak said.

Moyue shook her head and said: "Of course I know, but we can't stop them now. That Qin Mo, the war drum in his hand is really powerful! Who of you knows that war drum?"

Everyone shook their heads. This war drum is indeed quite extraordinary. Everyone doesn't know the origin of this war drum, but it is certain that this war drum is absolutely extraordinary.

"Auntie, I have heard that in the square under the command of the Righteous Alliance, there is a spotlight on the stage. This drum should be the drum on the spotlight on the stage!" a Wudi strong replied.

"Since the righteous alliance has this kind of treasure, why is it placed in this place? And that kid got it?" Moyue asked.

"Holy Aunt, although the drum is powerful, if you don't meet the right person, you can't let it surrender, and you can't control it!" The Wudi strong replied.

In this way, everyone was immediately stunned. No matter how powerful a weapon is, if it doesn't meet a suitable owner, it is just a useless thing, and the previous commander may not be able to control this drum.

"In this way, doesn't it mean that even if we get this drum, it's useless?" someone said.

"Not necessarily, maybe our saint aunt can let this drum of war be surrendered!" Another human said.

Moyue naturally heard these words, but Moyue's heart was dark, Qin Mo's song full of Jianghong, really made her memorable, even if Moyue was arrogant, she would be ashamed of her talent, Qin Mo Her talent is indeed much higher than her!

However, this drum, even if she can’t control it, can’t let it fall into Qin Mo’s hands. Otherwise, if the two major alliances collide in the future, the power of Qin Mo’s drum is enough to turn the entire battlefield. .

"Immediately investigate their movements!" Moyue ordered, and then said, "Go deep into Xuelan Mountain as soon as possible, and you must find that thing!"

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