"Hurry up!" Cen Yu stood up and said.

The little white dragon immediately stepped away from the white tender legs and passed in the direction of the dragon tribe.

"Boom!" At this moment, a figure fell to the ground, it was the Six Commander.

The sixth commander was seriously injured at this time. The third commander was on the second floor of the Martial Emperor Realm, and he was just a martial artist in the Martial Pill Realm. How could this gap be made up so easily?

The six commanders couldn't even catch the three commanders and ten moves, so they were defeated.

Cen Yu has also been restrained, her strength is much weaker than the Eight Commanders, how can she fight the Eight Commanders?

When the two of them were defeated, the little white dragon had already reached the outskirts of the dragon tribe, less than five miles away from the dragon tribe, and could even see the people of that tribe.

Only a palm caught Xiao Bailong's neck at this time.

"What are you doing? Little girl, do you still want to find your father? Tell you, it's impossible!" Only the three commanders sneered.

"You are bad guys, you bullied sister Cen Yu and Xiao Liu!" Xiao Bailong finally couldn't help it, and she started to cry.


After the three commanders and the eight commanders saw them, they laughed.

"Sure enough, I'm just a little girl, what else can you do besides crying? You cry, no matter how loudly you cry, no one will come to save you!" Ba Tongling said with disdain, "After catching you back, I will have fun. Qin Mo's woman!"

The eight commanders' eyes were full of lewdness, and he looked at Cen Yu.

But Xiao Bailong’s voice became louder and louder. It was too late when the two felt that something was wrong, and Xiao Bailong’s tears suddenly rose, turning into a huge wave of thousands of feet, and with Xiao Bailong as the center. The surrounding sea water began to turn into water dragons rushing out.

The two of them were the closest to Xiao Bailong. They were hit by the water dragon and hit their bodies, and they were immediately knocked off.

This Xiaobai cried, why is it so scary?

The three commanders, the eight commanders, and Cen Yu and others all felt incredible, this is just a little girl!

The appearance of Xiao Bailong is less than ten years old and looks very cute. Now she is crying loudly here, but the changes it brings are unexpected.

When the little girl started crying, it would bring such a big change. It can be seen that this little girl is absolutely extraordinary.

It seems that in the Grand Commanding Mansion, the person who flooded the commanding mansion must be this little white dragon!

"Three Commanders, what are we going to do?" Eight Commanders asked.

"The woman Moyue has already said that we should catch them both back. Even if we don't want to, we must take action. Otherwise, Moyue will never let us go!"

"You are right, in this case, let's do it!" Eight Commanders also said.

The little white dragon cried a lot of tears, and it sprayed around at once, and although it was a desert, the tears here seemed to not disappear, turning into a water dragon to attack the two people here.

The two began to resist the attack of these water dragons, while approaching the little white dragon.


At this time, Qin Mo had already passed a day in this dragon tribe, and his realm had entered the third level of Wudan realm.

The improvement of Qin Mo's strength really exceeded Long Aotian's imagination.

Everyone didn't understand how Qin Mo did it, but Qin Mo was indeed able to improve his first-order strength on this day, which was really amazing.

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