"Okay!" Xiao Bailong closed his eyes, and actually began to count, "One, two, three..."

Qin Mo looked at the three commanders, and he said: "You hurt the people around me, and judge yourself. I can keep a whole body of you. Otherwise, I promise you will be more sad than death. hundred times!"

The emperor's power surged from Qin Mo, and the terrifying pressure poured over the three commanders in front of him, and the faces of those Wudi strong men behind Qin Mo were also full of incredible colors at this time.

Such a strong momentum, the horror of this momentum, even they felt a little surprised.

This momentum is so powerful that even Emperor Wu, Qin Mo is the third level of the Wu Dan realm, how could he have such a momentum?

"You...don't forget...your daughter is in my hands..." The Third Commander said, but his words are already a bit uncomfortable. If there is only Qin Mo's momentum, the Third Commander is not afraid, but now except for Qin In addition to Mo, there are other Wudi powerful men who are cheering for Qin Mo.

"Do you have any relatives?" Qin Mo asked suddenly, as if it were an indifferent question, but the expression of the three commanders changed drastically.

"Grand Commander, San Commander has parents and a younger sister!" said Jiu Commander.

"Thirteen, fourteen..." Xiao Bailong was still counting.

Qin Mo continued: "Do you know that I don't like to be merciful when I do things. If you let me do something, your parents, your sister, and your people will not survive!"

The three commanders let go of the little white dragon, he knelt in front of Qin Mo and said loudly: "You can't do this, please, the commander, please let them go!"

Qin Mo ignored the three commanders. He had walked in front of Xiao Bailong, only to see his palm gently touching Xiao Bailong's forehead. The injury on Xiao Bailong's forehead was just a normal injury, not serious. .

Although Qin Mo's current medical skills cannot be said to be the best in the mainland, he can heal this kind of injury casually.

Sure enough, the wound stroked by Qin Mo's palm immediately began to heal.

Qin Mo wiped off the blood on his face for Xiao Bailong, and his pink face appeared in front of Qin Mo again.

"Nineteen, twenty!" Xiao Bailong finally opened his eyes, only seeing Qin Mo's face appeared in front of her, she immediately hugged Qin Mo's neck, "Daddy!"

Qin Mo hugged Xiao Bailong, then turned to look at the three commanders, who was now kowtow to Qin Mo.

You must know that although the three commanders are strong in one force, the current Qin Mo, but the leader alone, is already very high. It is not comparable to the power behind him. Qin Mo's status is even comparable to Compared with the deputy head of the branch hall, even the branch head.

With a word from Qin Mo, what he said just now can be realized. What about the three rulers?

"Master, I did something wrong before, please forgive me!" After the three commanders finished speaking, he wiped his neck with a knife.

The three commanders have fallen to the ground.

Qin Mo didn’t look at the three commanders again. The death of the three commanders did not cause any fluctuations in Qin Mo’s heart. The dragon has a Nilin, and he will die if he touches it. The person next to Qin Mo is Qin Mo’s Nilin. Whoever wants to hurt the people around Qin Mo will arouse Qin Mo's anger, and it is natural that Qin Mo cannot let him go.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the success of the shocking outfit. Collecting the outfit is worth 200!"

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