I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1310: Let's go now!

"Master, you don't have to worry about us. With our strength, self-protection can still be done!" Only the six leaders said.

"In that case, well, let's set off now!" Qin Mo said, comforting Xiao Bailong again.

The injury on Xiao Bailong’s forehead was gone, but she was still a little scared, and she was reluctant to leave in Qin Mo’s arms. Qin Mo felt that she was going to become a dad, but fortunately, she was still here. With Cen Yu here, Qin Mo could finally give her to Cen Yu.

Everyone once again went to the place where the Demon League and the Righteous League were at war.

The strong of the righteous alliance really cannot compare with the strong of the magic alliance here.

However, the Momen didn't kill them all. Except for some unlucky people, everyone else was able to survive, but they suffered more or less injuries.

"These two wastes haven't come back yet? When will this girl wait until?" Mo Yue said coldly.

Don't look at Moyue's beautiful appearance, her temper is very bad, very bad, and moody, as long as she offends her, she will definitely get revenge.

"Saint Aunt, why don't we send other people over to see?" One of them said humanely.

"No, don't they dare not come back?" Moyue sneered, "If they really don't come back, the curse on them will happen, and they will undoubtedly die!"

"Holy Aunt, what do people here do?" Only one person asked, "If so many prisoners are taken away, I'm afraid it will be impossible!"

There are more than two hundred people still alive here. If so many people want to take all of them, it is impossible to do so.

"Since you can't take them away, then refine them all. If their bodies and souls are refined into soul crystals, it is also very effective for our cultivation. Although it is not as good as the original stone, the effect is not much different! "Only heard Mo Yue replied.

This sentence sounds very easy, but to these righteous alliance people, it is very scary. Using human flesh and soul to refine into soul crystals and then use it for refinement? How terrible is this?

Sure enough, the Demon League is the Demon League, and it is really cruel to act!

"Yes, Saint Aunt!" Immediately someone moved a huge Danding that was ten meters high, and only saw that some fiery red stones were already placed under that Danding. These stones could be used to replace the Danfire. , As long as this cauldron is heated, it can begin to refine.

It takes a while for such a huge pill cauldron to heat up. Of course, its capacity is quite large. I don't know how many people can cast into this pill cauldron to refine it into soul crystals.

But as long as it is invested, I am afraid there is only a dead end.

The faces of the Righteous Alliance disciples present changed drastically. You must know that if they were thrown in, they would die. The current leader is not there. They probably have no chance to survive!

After nearly an hour, the Danding finally had heat up, and it was only after seeing Mo Yue.

"It's about to start now, so who should start first?" Moyue smiled and groaned, as if she was talking about something normal.

The faces of many disciples of the Righteous Alliance changed drastically at this time.

"What does this demon girl want to do? She wants to refine us?"

"It's cruel! It turned out to be a demon girl, who would come up with such a terrible thing!"

"The Demon League is really a Demon League, it's damned!"


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