I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1312: He is our dragon god

A huge pit with a depth of ten feet was left on the ground, and the complexions of the surrounding people changed greatly.

This Long Aotian claw could have such power, which is too strong!

Even Moyue felt quite surprised now, this Long Aotian's strength was indeed beyond her expectation.

"Momen, get out, or die!" Long Aotian said loudly.

In fact, Long Aotian is not too willing to make a move. After all, if he wants to make a move, it will kill people. Not only the people of the demon league, but also their dragon people!

If it is for the Dragon Clan to die, even Long Aotian would not say anything, but to die to save these righteous alliance people, for the Dragon Clan, it is a bit unacceptable.

Of course, if you really want to do this, it's not impossible. After all, they also helped Qin Mo this time, and Qin Mo will lead them back to Long Island!

The people of the Demon League looked at the dragon people that appeared around here. Their expressions changed. The power of the dragon people was very strong, not weaker than the Demon League. But how did these dragon people think of coming to save the people of the Righteous League? Are they crazy?

Mo Yue couldn't figure it out, she said: "What if I don't let it go?"

"Then go to war!" A voice appeared at this moment.

As soon as Mo Yue turned her head, her eyes fell on a person, her eyes were full of surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Your Demon League is here to attack our Righteous Alliance. As the leader of the Righteous Alliance, I will naturally not back down. How can I not come today?" I only heard that one person say proudly.

This is Qin Mo. In addition to Qin Mo, there are other people. These people are the Wudi strong men of the righteous alliance. The faces of these strong emperors are angry. The magic alliance and the righteous alliance are old enemies, and The most important thing is that they will be captured by the dragon people, and these demons have contributed a lot!

Facing these people from the Demon League, the warriors of the Righteous Alliance are full of resentment, not to mention that their men are now in the hands of the Demon League.

"Qin Mo, you have seen it, here is not only one of us, but also the dragon people. They also want us to hand over these righteous people. What do you want to do?" Moyue smiled.

"It's very simple, of course you want to return the people from our righteous alliance to us!" Qin Mo said.

"Humans, why do you say that, these people, we dragon people have already taken a fancy, you should give them to me!" Long Aotian said coldly.

At this moment, those Wudi strong men heard the conversation between the two, and their faces were a little weird, but some people immediately understood what Qin Mo wanted to do, and they were secretly ready.

"What are you talking about? How amazing do you think your dragon people are? If you don't let me go, what do you want to do to our righteous alliance?" Qin Mo said coldly.

"What are we going to do, need you to take care of it? What do you humans want for what our dragon people want?" Long Aotian said.

The two people actually quarreled here.

Moyue's face changed slightly. She had already guessed something in her heart, but it didn't seem to be the case. This made her very puzzled. Did she guess wrong?

Isn't Qin Mo and this Long Aotian a partner?

"You two, since you are all fighting like this, why not listen to me!" Moyue said.

"Shut up!" The two shouted at the same time, "When we speak, when is your turn to interrupt?"

"You..." Moyue hadn't had time to finish her words, only to see the people of the Demon League were suddenly attacked, and a large number of Demon Leagues withdrew from their original positions. They would never want to get it. These dragons and Wu Diqiang The readers would actually do it at the same time.

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