I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1334: How dare to talk to us like this!

"..." When the people around heard it, their expressions were frozen.

Want to punish the nine demons and beasts? Then when do you have to kill?

Each of the monster beasts has tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of races, and still want to punish the nine races? This was obviously just frightening the monster beast.

But even so, the monster beast was quite angry, and no one dared to talk to it like this for a long time!

"Get out of the way, I want to see what kind of human beings dare to talk to us like this!" An angry voice came, and many monsters actually separated.

Only two monster beasts came out from the inside. The two monster beasts turned out to be a huge tiger covered in flames and a blue lion.

"Aren't these the Red Flame Scale Tiger and the Blue Underworld Mad Lion? Why would these two monsters appear here?"

"These are all monsters that have the strength of Emperor Wu when they grow up. Oh my god, their current realm seems to far exceed the ordinary Wudi realm!"

"How is it possible? These two legendary monster beasts will appear here?"

"..." Everyone's eyes were full of panic at this time, and the aura of these two monster beasts was too frightening, they couldn't resist it at all.

Even Long Aotian, there was a look of fear in his eyes at this time, the strength of these two monster beasts was too strong, even he could not feel their strength.

"Their strength is still higher than mine!" Heiwenhu said at this time. After it was subdued by the Snarling Skyhound, it followed Qin Mo, but it had always said nothing, only now, it said a word.

"It turns out to be you two beasts, you two, who is stronger?" Qin Mo said lightly, "Only the strong can be my subordinate!"

"..." The faces of the people present became weird again.

How big is Qin Mo's brain hole? These two monsters, but even they couldn't deal with them, Qin Mo actually wanted to accept them as his subordinates?

If the two monster beasts join forces, it seems that they can't fight them with the strength of the sky-snarling dog now, but if Qin Mo is so arrogant now, wouldn't he add fuel to the fire? Is he looking for death?

Enraging the two monsters is not good for Qin Mo!

But now Qin Mo didn't worry at all, because he still had a hole card in his hand.

But the two monster beasts didn't think so, especially the Scarlet Flame Scale Tiger. This monster beast had a grumpy temper. When it angered them, it was a disaster.

The two monster beasts now are also very angry, their eyes all look towards Qin Mo.

"Only you, want us to be your subordinates?" Chi Yan scaled tiger said with disdain, "Human, you are so arrogant, are you not afraid that we will tear you to pieces?"

"If you don't kneel down and beg me to accept you as a subordinate, I'm afraid you will regret it next time!" Qin Mo sneered.

"In this case, I'll see what you can do!" Chi Yan Linhu shouted loudly, and rushed towards Qin Mo.

"His Royal Highness, be careful!" Roaring Sky Dog immediately stood in front of Qin Mo.

"Don't worry, this kind of miscellaneous things can be solved by one person under the commander!" Qin Mo said arrogantly.

Qin Mo shook his hand, only to see a circle suddenly fly out and land on the neck of the Chi Yan scale tiger.

The Chiyan Scale Tiger didn't know what it was. It patted this circle with one claw, but found that its own claw hit this circle and it had no effect at all.

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