I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1351: You want me to pretend?

The seventh floor of the Wudan realm, even in the Spring and Autumn Sect, belongs to the high level.

And Qin Mo's realm is far lower than Qin Mo's strength!

However, Qin Mo was here for three days, and his realm increased by one level every day, which shocked the entire Chunqiu Sect. However, after Qin Mo's series of legends, the entire Chunqiu Sect had begun to be surprised.

Qin Mo glanced at the pretense value and seven emotion value he had collected.

The pretender value has collected 150,000, and the seven emotion value has collected 4 million.

The effect of the two is naturally different, the force value is used to increase the level, and the seven emotion value can be gathered into a treasure chest.

"System, you see that I am already at the ninth level of the Wudan realm. Should you raise my realm? Let me become a martial artist in the Wudi realm?" Qin Mo asked the system.

Qin Mo’s time to travel into this world is actually not too long. Even if you add in all the training time, it’s only a year. One year’s time from an ordinary martial artist to the 9th level of the Martial Alchemy Realm is shocking enough. The whole continent.

If Qin Mo breaks into the realm of Emperor Wu again, the entire continent will probably be unprecedented.

There are actually quite a few people who have reached the Ninth Level of the Wudan Realm, but many of them have stayed at the 9th level of the Wudan Realm, unable to step into the Wudi Realm.

Because to enter the Martial Emperor Realm, you need to comprehend the law or merge with the martial soul. No matter which type, it is not easy. The weapon martial soul must comprehend the law, and the beast martial soul must be integrated with the martial soul. , And can't comprehend it, and can't enter the Martial Emperor Realm!

But Qin Mo is naturally different from them, after all, Qin Mo is a person with a plug-in.

"Host, to break through to the Emperor Martial Realm, you have to collect 1 million force points, so that you can get the Martial Emperor Realm experience pill treasure chest, and the system will help you with a high probability to open the Supreme Martial Emperor Pill!" the system replied.

"Collect a million pretenders? Unexpectedly you are such a system, you want me to pretend to be? How can a peaceful and honest person like me know how to pretend? You do this, not forcing me to go. Die?" Qin Mo said with an expression of indignation.


"Shut up, you are a nasty, shameless system, can you consider the feeling that an honest person like me wants to be forced?"


"Do you know that every time I pretend to be forced, my conscience will hurt? You want me to pretend to be forced?"


"Do you deserve me for doing this?"

The system was silent, and it seemed quite helpless. With the wisdom of the system, it was really difficult to refute Qin Mo.

"Host, if you don't want to pretend, the system has no other way!"

"What? You said there is no way? The system, you should directly help me improve my strength, so as to make up for my injured heart!"

After Qin Mo flicked and flicked, the system finally couldn't support it. He promised Qin Mo that as long as Qin Mo could collect 1 million worth of equipment, he would give him an additional martial emperor realm experience pill chest, so that Qin Mo reluctantly accepted it.

However, to collect 1 million equipment force value, it seems that this time, I need to continue to force it.

The so-called life requires constant pretense!

Qin Mo thought for a while, he decided to go to the main hall of Qingyun Hall, what? How can you pretend to be forced? In Qin Mo's words, he is an honest person, saying that if he wants to ask for someone in the main hall of Qingyuntang, he must ask for someone!

Zhou Feng, this young master is coming to you!

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