I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1359: You said you want to fight the enemy?

"Today's incident is obviously that Qin Mo came here to provoke us Qingyuntang. I'm just struggling to meet the enemy!" Ge Shu said immediately.

"Struggling to meet the enemy? Okay, then I ask you, who is the enemy in your mouth?" Zheng Shi was even more angry, "Do you know that Qin Mo is also the leader of our Qingyuntang Dongzhou, you actually said to Struggling to meet the enemy? The enemy you mentioned is Qin Mo? Is it our Qingyuntang people?"

"Even if he is a member of Qingyuntang, it is a capital crime to dare to attack our Qingyuntang main hall!" Ge Shu said again.

"Capital crime?" Zheng Shi was very dissatisfied when he heard it. This Ge Shu is really a stupid. Has he still not figured out the situation?

Could it be that Ge Shu hasn't seen how terrifying Qin Mo's power is!

Not to mention other things, just to say that the surrounding underworld soldiers are enough to cause the entire Qingyuntang to be destroyed!

Moreover, the two monsters beside Qin Mo, each of them are powerful, they are not so easy to deal with!

More importantly, Zheng Shi couldn't see through the strength of the "white rise" beside Qin Mo!

Is the opponent's realm still above him?

If this is the case, just that one person would be able to destroy the entire Qingyun Hall!

Up to now, Ge Shu hasn't been able to figure out the situation, he is really damned!

"Ge Shu, the main hall master will come out to deal with this matter today, but the main hall master has an order. I am solely responsible for the matter here. Do you have any objections?" The book theory will only waste time, so he immediately said.

"You... the main hall master really said that?" I only heard Ge Shu ask.

"Yes, when I went to call the deputy hall master Zheng Shi, the main hall master had such an order, and the main hall master said, he will come soon!" Yu Bo only heard at this time.

As soon as Yu Bo came out, Ge Shu gave him a fierce look. Yu Bo knew he was hated by Secretary Ge, but now he can't care about so much.

"Well, in that case, I don't care about it!" Ge Shu had no choice but to say.

Zheng Shi ignored Ge Shu, he said to Qin Mo, "Master Qin Mo, I don't know how you think this matter should be handled?"

"How to deal with it? Before dealing with it, I need you to do a few things!" Qin Mo smiled lightly.

"What's the matter, please tell Master Qin Mo!" said Zheng Shi.

"First of all, I want a person, and I want you to hand him over by Qingyuntang!" Qin Mo pointed to Zhou Feng not far away and said.

Zhou Feng's face became pale with fright at this time. He couldn't believe that he would encounter such a thing. You know, this is Qingyuntang. He is the elder of Qingyuntang. How could he encounter such a thing?

This is absolutely impossible!

Qingyuntang will not hand him over either!

If he is handed over, he will definitely die, and Qin Mo will never let him go, absolutely not!

Zhou Feng already wanted to escape, but found that everyone's eyes were on him, and he was not given a chance to escape.

"What do you want to do? Zheng Shi, you don't want to listen to him, will you turn Zhou Feng out?" Ge Shu said immediately.

"Why not?" Zheng Shi said coldly, "Master Qin Mo is our guest of Qingyuntang. Zhou Feng offended Master Qin Mo, so we must hand him over to Master Qin Mo to deal with!"

"No, Deputy Hall Master Zheng Shi, you can't do this. I'm the elder of Qingyun Hall, how can you treat me like this?" Zhou Feng showed shock on his face when he heard it.

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