I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1376: Actually I like being a man! Give up!

At this time, Moyue laughed softly: "Qin Mo, my saint really likes you a little bit!"

"What did you say?" Qin Mo's mouth twitched when he heard Mo Yue's words. No, you can't sell swords, right? I'm all here, do you still like me?

"You are right, this saint aunt has already said that this saint aunt likes you, so you belong to me!" A blood-colored light appeared in Moyue's eyes, as enchanting as her hair.

Moyue's words made the Sky Dog and Wangcai stunned at the same time, and both monsters looked at Moyue with surprised eyes.

"What does she mean? Is she going to be a young woman?" Fan Fei asked with a puzzled look.

"Does she want to be Xiaobai's mother? But she is so scary, Xiaobai don't!" Xiao Bailong pouted his mouth.

"Hey, demon girl, this young master is not afraid to tell you, although my brother is handsome and charming, and suave Yushu Linfeng (10,000 words omitted)... But don't be obsessed with brother, because brother is just a legend!" Qin Mo said a series of words. , Mo Yue laughed happily.

"Since you have so many advantages, then I should like you even more!" Moyue smiled, this smile made people fascinated.

Nima, Qin Mo saw the smile of Moyue, he suddenly thought of his cursed peach blossom, this thing, wouldn't it make her like him?

"System, the effect of cursing peach blossoms, isn't it to make Moyuezhong curse? How could it become like this? How does she look like a curse?" Qin Mo asked quickly.

"Host, the curse that cursed peach blossoms has already exerted its effect. According to the system's judgment, the effect of cursing peach blossoms is to make the cursed fall in love with the cursed person!" the system replied.

"Wori, is this also called a curse?" Qin Mo wanted to cry. The feeling of being liked by a demon is not very good. You must know that this woman is a very difficult woman. She is interested in herself. It's not a good thing either.

Qin Mo seemed to be able to see this demon girl tying herself up and then lashing herself with a small leather whip!

Qin Mo didn't want to live such a life!

"No, no, Miss Moyue, if you have something to say, in fact, what you have just heard are my shortcomings, yes, these are all my shortcomings, please don't mind these!" Qin Mo said quickly! .

"Oh? Are these all your shortcomings? This saint aunt once heard people say that as long as you like a person, you will also like his shortcomings!" Moyue said again.

"Miss Moyue, we are really not suitable!"

"Go ahead, what's not suitable?"

"The height is not suitable!"

"Height is not distance!"

"I like the older ones!"

"age is not an issue!"

"I like plump ones, you are too light!"

"My saint is also very plump, haven't you seen it?"

Qin Mo's gaze secretly glanced across the mountains of the other party, and the corners of his mouth twitched, indeed very plump.

"Our camp is different!"

"I can let you join our demon league. You may not get the position of demon league leader in the future, but you can treat it as the man of the demon league leader!"

Qin Mo was convinced. This woman was really good enough. He had already said these reasons.

The eyes of the others were wide, and they couldn’t believe it. The two men fought too hard, and the Saint Aunt of the Demon League wanted Qin Mo to be her man. This is the Saint Aunt of the Demon League, with a very high status. A woman with monstrous strength and stunning face.

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