I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1381: Tyrannical little drill

"The king asked me to patrol the mountain~"

When a strange song sounded, the monster looked very strange, not only had horns and a nose like a cow, but also on his waist, there was a drum, and on his hands, there were two gongs.

This monster not only looks weird, but also has a very weird personality. As soon as he came out, he began to sing and talked like singing.

"My name is Xiao Zuanfeng, the king doesn't know what's the matter with you calling me~" The monster drank to Qin Mo.

"It's nothing, just solve these guys for me!" Qin Mo said.

"The king told me to patrol the mountain and kill a few people casually~" Xiao Zuanfeng said, walked out in front of him, and sang as he walked.

But this scene, let Moyue and others see, but a little bit dumbfounded, what is this? Just rely on it to fight them?

"Hahaha... what did I see? It's ridiculous, Qin Mo, don't you mean that this one can beat us?" He only heard the fish king laugh.

"This monster is not something like a monster, what is it? Your subordinates are really weird!" said the ghost king disdainfully.

"Never mind the puppet, or two monster beasts, what's the use of this half-human, half-monster beast? And he's still playing gongs and drums here, isn't he here to be an actor?" Moyue shook her head. .

No one would think that this foolish little diamond wind can have any strength, and his strength is indeed confusing, because there is no slightest fluctuation in his body!

This kind of creature, even if it is a monster, has no effect at all!

"Well, since he has to make a move, let me be his opponent!" Fish King sneered.

"Do you want my opponent? See my drums and see my gongs, don't you hurry down on your knees~" Xiao Zuanfeng sang again

"Looking for death, with your strength, you want me to kneel down? I will let you know what is the real strength!" said the fish king, his body and the huge octopus slowly merged together. .

It seems that he is more like a monster beast!

"Fate!" One of the fish king's tentacles has been patted against the wind.

When Xiao Zuanfeng’s hands knocked on the gong, only a ripple appeared in the air, and this ripple spread out. Then, in everyone’s eyes, the fish king’s tentacles stopped on Xiao Zuanfeng’s head. Come down.

No one knew what was going on, but everyone felt something was wrong.

"Fa...what happened, daddy? That big octopus, it seems to be dead!" I only heard Xiao Bailong say at this time. Xiao Bailong caught Qin Mo's thigh with a little voice, but her The big eyes blinked, and it seemed that the vitality of the fish king was gone.

"Impossible? What the **** did he do just now?" Wangcai couldn't believe it. He couldn't feel any fluctuations in vitality at all. This is not what a human should be!

"He just knocked the gong, what is going on?" Fan Fei has also returned, a little afraid to accept this fact.

Xiao Zuanfeng did not pay attention to the fish king, he continued to walk forward, and knocked on the gong as he walked, and said: "The king asked me to patrol the mountain, I will turn the world around~"

At this moment, the huge octopus spirit was shattered inch by inch. This huge spirit body seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder. The huge spirit body was completely crushed. The fish king's body, When he fell to the ground, there was no wound on the surface of his body.

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