"Elder Qin Mo..."

"I only give you a breathing time, don't give way, die!"

I saw that Qin Mo had already raised the Tai'a sword. If this sword was cut down, everyone standing in front of him would probably die!

The Qingyuntang disciples here are not fools. They will naturally not be so stupid to protect Ge Shu with their bodies. Something must happen between Qin Mo and Ge Shu. These things are not under their control!

So these disciples would only listen to Di Sheng's words to stop Qin Mo, but if they threatened their lives, they would naturally give way!

Sure enough, a path appeared in front of Qin Mo, and Qin Mo let Wangcai rush over.

The snarling dog, Fan Fei and Xiao Bailong have also arrived, but seeing that Qin Mo was already before the book tower, Qin Mo looked at the huge tower in front of him. He didn't mean to go in. I only saw his voice rolling.

"Ge Shu, get out for this elder!" Qin Mo's voice echoed around.

"Ge Shu, get out for this elder!"

"Ge Shu, get out for this elder!"


Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Mo, and their hearts couldn't help being surprised.

Those who dare to ask Ge Shu to go out, it is estimated that since they joined Qingyuntang, there is only Qin Mo!

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


"Ding...shock value+"


Although Qin Mo came here this time not for pretending to be force, but these pretending values ​​were unexpected joy.

But Qin Mo's voice echoed around, but he did not see Ge Shu coming out!

This made the people present feel quite surprised. With Ge Shu's violent temper, if others talked like this, I am afraid he would have already come out!

But now, they did not see Ge Shu running out of it, as if Qin Mo was not calling him at all!

Book tower.

Ge Shu was in his training room, as if he hadn't heard Qin Mo's words.

However, the disciples of Ge Shu had already rushed out, and they did not want to hear their master being insulted.

"You are Qin Mo? Are you insulting our master?" one of the young men said.

"Insult your master? How can you say that to me? But if you really think that's the case, I won't deny it, yes, I am insulting your master!" Qin Mo said lightly, "What can you do with me? ?"

"..." The faces of the people around you are a little weird, you are too direct, don't you want to save some face?

The disciples of Ge Shu were furious at this time, and Qin Mo dared to say such things in front of them.

But Qin Mo immediately followed, and continued: "Fan Fei, you teach them first, I will go to the old guy Ge Shu to settle accounts now!"

"Yes, Master!" Fan Fei said immediately after hearing it.

These disciples of Ge Shu were not weak in strength, and the strongest was only at the first level of Martial Pill Realm. For Fan Fei, there was no threat at all.

And these people were obviously deceived by Ge Shu. Qin Mo didn't want to kill more people. However, if you give them a lesson, it can be regarded as a lesson for them. Of course, it is better to let your own doggies take care of this kind of thing. .

Fan Fei's shots were not light, and it was okay to be severely injured and unconscious. As long as he didn't kill people, Qin Mo wouldn't mind. After all, these people are Qin Mo's enemies!

Qin Mo was already standing in front of the book tower, and he said lightly: "Old dog Ge Shu, if you don't get this young master out again, don't blame this young master for being rude!"

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