I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1390: I want to know what happened in Xueyue City!

"Yun Fei, Yun Guang, you take your disciples to Xueyue City, I want to know what happened in Xueyue City!" I only heard Di Sheng say.

"Yes, Hall Master!" the two quickly replied.

A group of disciples immediately teleported to Xueyue City, and Ge Shu's face became even more ugly. He knew that this time, he might be inevitable.

Sure enough, in less than three hours, the Qingyuntang disciple had already returned. The Qingyuntang disciple's expression was not good, and they immediately told about the Xueyuecheng matter.

"The corpses are everywhere, and the whole city is a dead city? What happened to Xueyue City!" Di Sheng asked.

"The people of the Demon League came to Xueyue City and took away the souls and blood of all the residents in Xueyue City, and they have already said that it was Ge Shu who revealed my whereabouts to them!" Qin Mo replied.

"Ge Shu, what's your explanation?" Di Sheng said coldly.

"I..." What can Ge Shu still have to explain? He has closed his mouth and is waiting to die.

"Okay, Ge Shu, since you have nothing to say, don't blame me!" Di Sheng's voice became colder, and the tens of millions of residents of Xueyue City were all destroyed by the hands of the Demon League.

And all of this, if they chose this location because they wanted to ambush Qin Mo, Ge Shu's sin was indeed unforgivable.

"As you can see below, Hall Master, if you do this, you will be biased!" Only when a voice sounded at this time, everyone's eyes immediately turned to the direction of that voice.

Everyone immediately saw a middle-aged man appearing not far away, able to stand in the air, he must also be a martial emperor strong, and this person's aura is quite strong, at first glance they know that he is not an ordinary Wu emperor strong.

"What? Protector of the Year of the Bear, why are you here?" Di Sheng's face changed a bit when he saw this person appear. He didn't expect that the Year of the Bear would also appear here. This time, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome!

Chapter 725: The Power of the Devouring Gate

In the year of the bear, Di Sheng has always been vigilant in his heart, but even if he is more vigilant, there will be a time when a hundred secrets are lost. Now the year of the bear has seized the opportunity to come.

This is a bit troublesome now!

Di Sheng's heart was a little depressed, but he had to answer: "Guardian Xiong, I don't know how you think about this matter?"

"I think this elder Qin Mo is too domineering. Since he has no evidence, he has already slandered the elders of Qingyuntang. How can he let this matter go? If this is really the case, spread it out. Wouldn't other people think that Qin Mo can do whatever he wants in Qingyun Hall?" Only Xiong Nian said.

When everyone heard it, it seemed to make sense!

Xiong Nian continued: "I think this elder Qin Mo and the deputy hall master Ge Shu have grievances. This matter may not be true. Please think twice!"

Xiong Nian sneered in his heart. Although he came this time to trouble Qin Mo, in fact, he was putting pressure on Di Sheng. If Di Sheng knew how to honor him, he would naturally let Di Sheng handle this matter. , Otherwise, you have to do something and make some waves!

In fact, there is nothing wrong for Xiong Nian to do this, but the object of his pressure has found the wrong person!

This person is not another disciple, nor an ordinary elder, but a evil star, Qin Mo!

"Old guy over there, who are you talking about?" Qin Mo said arrogantly.

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