I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1395: Why don't you wear clothes?

At this time, Xiong Nian’s complexion had darkened to the bottom of the pot. He stared at Qin Mo, his eyes were about to burst into flames, but there was no way, Qin Mo was too arrogant, this man dared to do this. Come on!

You must not let him go easily, absolutely not, his martial soul has been taken away!

Wuhun is the root of a martial artist. Once taken away, it means that his future strength will decline, and he may even become a useless person. How can this hatred not be reported!

"Qin Mo, I will definitely kill you, I will definitely!" Xiong Nian said loudly, everyone could hear how angry he was.

"Ding, collected 1200 hatred points from the year of the bear!"

"Kill me? I'm waiting here. Come and kill me!" Qin Mo yelled very awkwardly. The smile on his face was even more evil, but now Xiong Nian dare to do it? Of course not!

"Qin Mo, wait for me!" Xiong Nian felt that something was wrong, and he turned around and wanted to run away.

Qin Mo didn't catch up. The current year of the bear does not have a spirit. Even if he does not die, he is just a cripple. In order to chase him down, he still has to run for a while. Qin Mo disdains to do such a thing.

"If you like Guo Ben, you can do it. What do you still find so many excuses for?" Qin Mo pouted.

Like Guo Ben? Who would like Guo Ben? Everyone looked at Qin Mo, their lips twitched.

But when they looked at the Devouring Gate, their expressions changed again. I have to say that this Devouring Gate is now very scary in the eyes of these people.

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"


"Ding...shock value+"


Even the Protector of the Year of the Bear is not Qin Mo's opponent. It can be seen how strong Qin Mo is.

"Elder Qin Mo, I didn't expect your strength to improve again. It's really surprising!" Di Sheng didn't mention Ge Shu at all. What is Ge Shu? Now that he is dead, who would think for him and avenge him?

Offend Qin Mo for Ge Shu? As long as Di Sheng is not a fool, he will not do such things.

"His strength has improved a bit, but I didn't expect that this bear year guardian would be so weak. I only used 30% of his strength, and he couldn't resist it. It seems that it is really very difficult to find an opponent. Difficult!" Qin Mo sighed, carrying his hands on his back, looking lonely as a master.

This look really makes people feel speechless, but looking at Qin Mo's look, Di Sheng and others are also quite helpless, and the elders can only flatter them.

"Yes, yes, you are right, Elder Qin Mo, I already knew that Elder Qin Mo is so talented that he must not be an ordinary person!"

"Elder Qin Mo, your martial soul power is also rare in the world. Our hall master said, your martial soul is a heavenly martial soul!"

"In the future, the growth of Elder Qin Mo will probably be even higher. It is our honor to know Elder Qin Mo!"


When everyone said this, Qin Mo was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he enjoyed it very much, joking. As a forced king, this level of flattery needs to blush?

Qin Mo came back this time not only to come here to kill Ge Shu, but also to tell Di Sheng Xueyuecheng about it. Of course, Ge Shu died like this, which was beyond Qin Mo’s expectation. Qin Mo still wanted Ask about him and the Momeng again.

"Elder Qin Mo, you must be careful in the future, Xiong Nian is a villain, this kind of person will definitely get revenge!" Di Sheng reminded.

"Take revenge? If he dares to take revenge, it won't be as simple as Guo Ben next time!" Qin Mo sneered and didn't care.

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