I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1411: Since you all regret it sincerely

Qin Mo received all these things in his arms, in essence, he received them inside Na Jie.

Qin Mo said next: "Since you regret it sincerely, I hope you can be a good person in the future, but don't do bad things, otherwise, even if I don't come to deal with you, there will be justice envoys to deal with it. do you know?"

After Qin Mo finished speaking, Fan Fei and Xiao Bailong swaggered away with two monsters.

"Daddy, what is the messenger of justice?" Xiao Bailong asked.

"Of course it is the messenger representing love and justice!" Qin Mo replied.

"Is it like Daddy?"

"Of course!"

"Then I will also be a messenger of justice!"


Qin Mo and the others left, and then Old He called out: "You still don't want to get out and treat me?"

The injury suffered by Old He is not light, but if this broken arm is treated properly, he might be able to recover.

Of course, if the treatment is not appropriate, it is hard to say.

The other people looked at Qin Mo's back and were also full of chills. Qin Mo dared to humiliate them and took away all their belongings. This is definitely not the case!

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter today?" Dongfang Bai said.

"We can inform Chen Fu about this first. I think he will hate his son dying at Qin Mo's hands. What do you think?" Situ Yuan said.

"I think so too!" Murong Fen said.

"Then what are you waiting for?" These people have already decided what to do next.

Of course, Qin Mo doesn't know all of this yet.

The gem treasure chest can absorb the primordial stone, but what makes Qin Mo depressed is that a tenth-order primordial stone can only provide gem value of 50,000.

In other words, if you want to upgrade the gem treasure chest to a diamond treasure chest, you need 200 tenth-level gems!

Qin Mo doesn't have so many tenth-order primordial stones to feed it!

Even the ninth-order primordial stone can only get 10,000 gem points, but Qin Mo is depressed, this gem treasure chest can only swallow 1 million gems.

This gem treasure chest no longer swallowed the primordial stone, and it seemed that the plan to feed it with the primordial stone was impossible.

However, there are many types and types of jade here, and they are quite cheap.

"Ding, collected 10 gems!"

"Ding, collected 100 gems!"


Qin Mo bought a lot of jade and swallowed them up. They also have a gem value of nearly one million. However, these gems are too ordinary. With these gems, there is no way to grow the gem treasure chest to the diamond treasure chest.

"Will there be any better gems here? After all, it's an auction house, shouldn't it be so broken?" Qin Mo said.

"Master, if you want more precious jade, you might as well go to Zhenyu Pavilion. They have a lot of jade, but the price is..." The jade shop owner laughed.

This time Qin Mo came, but he directly gave him a tenth-order primordial stone, bought all the jade here, and made him a fortune, so he was naturally willing to show Qin Mo the way.

"Lead the way, this eighth-order elementary stone is yours!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes, yes, the villain will let the grown-up go over immediately!" The boss responded immediately.

Sure enough, there are a lot of jade in Zhenyu Pavilion. Qin Mo walked directly to the front desk and said, "Call your boss out. My Master is here, why don't you send someone to meet me?"

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