I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1431: Who will try to pick me up?

Although the martial skill treasure chest can only collect 10 million martial skill points, it can still absorb attacks, but the martial skill value cannot be increased. If Qin Mo continues to bear martial skill attacks, it can still absorb martial skill attacks.

Qin Mo now can be said to be invincible!

"Even if you can resist our attack, what if you can break through? Can you defeat us?" Chen Fu said immediately.

When the people around heard it, yes, although Qin Mo could be invincible, he had just been promoted to Emperor Wu, and he could not threaten the people here at all!

"Since you have said so, then I also let you know what is the fear of being dominated by power!" Qin Mo said, swallowing a gem into his stomach.

"What are you doing?" The people around didn't understand, Qin Mo naturally ignored them.

Entering the Martial Emperor Realm, Qin Mo's strength has greatly improved. Qin Mo doesn't know how strong his strength is, but he feels that it should not be less than five million catties of huge power!

Now that this giant spirit gem is taken down by Qin Mo, his power can be increased a thousand times for an hour!

If Qin Mo's current strength is 5 million catties, then with this gem, there will be a power of 5 billion catties!

Even if he was a powerhouse at the peak of Emperor Wu's realm, Qin Mo could beat him with one punch!

Qin Mo glanced at the people around him, and he said lightly: "You just said that I can't help you? Then who will try and get me a punch?"

Who will try to pick me up?

How can the people around you stand it? Only seeing Situ Hong walked out, his face showed disdain: "Qin Mo, you only got a treasure, so you can resist our attack! You think you can be my opponent if you make a move. Nothing?"

"Don't talk too much nonsense, come, take me a punch!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Just pick it up!" Situ Hong continued with the knife in his hand, "Do it!"

Qin Mo stopped talking, he blasted out with a punch, but Situ Hong slammed it out, his eyes flashed a cold light, Qin Mo should be protected by treasures, but if he is in direct contact, he may not be able to protect him!

Use your fist to fight his sword spirit? See how he cut off Qin Mo's arm!

Only in the next moment, Qin Mo's fist hit his knife, and an indescribable force appeared. That fist hit the knife at once, and the blade shattered instantly. Qin Mo's fist did not stop. Hit Situ Hong's chest.

When the strength reaches a certain level, it is no longer something that the naked eye can understand. For example, now, Qin Mo's punch hit Situ Hong's body.

Situ Hong exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

This is how the same thing? The sixth floor of Emperor Wu's realm was blasted into blood mist by Qin Mo's punch? Is this fake?

Everyone couldn't believe this was true, but Qin Mo didn't care whether they believed it or not. Now Qin Mo has found another person!

Uncle Dongfang!

Qin Mo has never been a generous person, because Qin Mo firmly believes that people with small weapons will not suffer, and he is also a person with small weapons. Just now, Uncle Dongfang made several shots at him, so he would naturally not let it go. A Dongfang uncle.

"Just now you made fifteen moves against me, and I will give you a punch now, what do you think?" Qin Mo smiled.

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Uncle Dongfang's expression changed. He just attacked Qin Mo with fifteen moves, but Qin Mo was not hurt at all. If he received Qin Mo's punch, would he still have a chance to survive?

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