I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1447: Little white face?

But in the current situation, no one can tell that Qin Mo and Ouyang Tianyu might have a problem.

Whether it is Qin Mo or Ouyang Tianyu, these are the pillars of the righteous alliance. If the two can get along in this righteous alliance, why worry about the righteous alliance not being strong?

However, it is obvious that Qin Mo and Ouyang Tianyu did not let each other's intentions go. They only heard Ouyang Tianyu say: "Vice leader of the dark night, I think I need to solve this matter with him, but I don't know, this Who is it?"

"His Royal Highness, I am afraid this is not suitable, because Qin Mo is the main person of the League!" He only heard the night.

Who will the league meet?

Ouyang Tianyu's face changed slightly, and in the entire righteous alliance, only the leader of Ouyang Tianyu could make him feel jealous. Now that Qin Mo turned out to be the leader of the alliance, he really had no way to stop it.

"In this case, our business will be dealt with later!" Ouyang Tianyu only heard a sneer, "You can live another three days. After three days, when I come out of retreat, it will be your death date. !"

Three days? Retreat?

Hearing these words, Qin Mo said calmly: "Since you want to do this, I will fight you in three days. At that time, this battle will be a battle of life and death!"

Ouyang Tianyu was a little surprised, Qin Mo actually dared to accept it?

"Well, in this case, the deputy leader of the night, you will testify that no one will be able to escape in our battle!" Ouyang Tianyu sneered.

"This..." Dark night's face changed slightly, what should he do about this matter?

However, Ouyang Tianyu had no intention of staying, so he turned and left.

With the dark night here, I'm afraid it would be impossible for Qin Mo even if he wanted to go wrong!

Hei Ye sighed and said, "Qin Mo, let's go in, but we can only let you go in with me to see the leader!"

"Good!" Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

Qin Mo followed the dark night alone.

Before Ouyang Tianyu retreats, he has ordered people to investigate Qin Mo's information, and then he will make a breakthrough. As long as he can enter the Wudi realm 90%, in addition to the two deputy leaders of the righteous alliance and the leader, others People, Ouyang Tianyu doesn't care about it at all.

Ouyang Tianyu's strength is strong, and he also possesses very tyrannical martial arts, and his talent is also outstanding, so ordinary martial artists really can't compare with his Ouyang Tianyu.

There is a reason why Ouyang Tianyu is so arrogant!

Of course, there was someone who dared to provoke him now. Although Ouyang Tianyu didn't put Qin Mo in his eyes, he would never let him go.

No matter who it is, as long as he dares to be an enemy of Ouyang Tianyu, he will die!

Qin Mo followed the night, and the two entered the palace. The palace was really big. It took Qin Mo and Heye for nearly five minutes to get to the end. This is a large hall. Heiye said to Qin Mo, "Qin Mo, you see When you reach the Sect Master, you must speak carefully, speak carefully!"

He was not at ease with Qin Mo, so Hei Ye said again.

Of course, Qin Mo wouldn't pay attention to him at all, why should he be cautious? The young master has always spoken well, OK?

Qin Mo had already walked into this hall, and Qin Mo could see the young man in front of him at a glance. He seemed to be about twenty years old, very young.

Qin Mo didn't believe it, "No, Xiao Bailian, you wouldn't say that you are the leader of the righteous alliance, right?"

If that dark night is here, Qin Mo will surely vomit blood with anger. He has been warning Qin Mo to be cautious just now, but Qin Mo didn’t mean to listen to him at all, because other people would kneel when they saw the righteous leader. !

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