I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1472: It's nothing

"It's nothing, it's just teaching a talkative person!" Qin Mo continued, "You just said that if I let people go, you would let me go. Can I trust you?"

When everyone heard Qin Mo's words, they were all in their hearts. It seems that Qin Mo will still compromise, but it is also true. This one is the deputy leader of the righteous alliance, and it is also a martial ancestor-level existence. With this level of existence, Qin Mo will compromise. It is also normal.

But Qin Mo would be too naive to do this. Does he really think Ouyang Shi will let him go?

Qin Mo said, "If this is the case, then I will let him go!"

I only saw Qin Mo say, kicking Ouyang Tianyu away, this kick directly kicked Ouyang Tianyu away, Ouyang Shi immediately caught Ouyang Tianyu, only to see that Ouyang Tianyu was injured so badly, Ouyang Shida angry.

"Grandpa, kill him, kill him!!!" Ouyang Tianyu roared angrily.

"Qin Mo, you dare to do such a thing to my Tianyu, do you want to survive today? I tell you, dream!" Ouyang Shi said angrily.

"Oh? You said that because you intend to say nothing?" After Qin Mo heard it, he was not surprised at all.

"How is it? No matter who comes today, it won't save you!" Ouyang Shi seemed to point out.

Ouyang Shi was most worried about Dark Night and Wu Xie's action, but obviously the two had no intention of making a move.

The relationship between Hei Ye and Ouyang Shi is not very good, but he has not interfered in this matter now. After all, Qin Mo has abolished a saint son. If he takes action now, the position is not easy to say, and the relationship between Hei Ye and Qin Mo is not yet Reached such a good point.

And if Hei Ye didn't interfere, I'm afraid Ouyang Shi would deal with Qin Mo more easily this time.

Is it just that?

"If you want me, you still need to ask my friends!" Qin Mo didn't worry at all, facing Ouyang Shi's gaze, Qin Mo just showed an evil smile.

"Your companion?" Ouyang Shi's face was puzzled.

"Let me know the strength of the deputy leader of the Righteous Alliance!" Only a sound was heard, and everyone looked at the place where the sound was made.

I only saw there was a person there, an old man stepping into the air, he was already in the realm of Martial Ancestor, and he naturally possessed the ability to fly. This martial artist was the Emperor Wudi, no, now he is already a Martial Ancestor. Because of Qin Mo's method of refining corpses, Emperor Wu Zhentian entered the realm of martial ancestors.

The current Zhentian Wuzu is comparable to Ouyang Shi.

Seeing the appearance of this man, Ouyang Shi's face changed drastically. Ouyang Shi would never have imagined that Qin Mo would have a companion of this level, and he would not hesitate to be an enemy for Qin Mo!

"Your Excellency, this matter today seems to have nothing to do with you! You don't need to intervene in this matter, otherwise, don't blame me for fighting with you!" Ouyang Shi still hopes that Zhentian Wuzu will leave. In this case, you don't need to deal with this level of existence.

But how can the Shaking Martial Ancestor leave? He said: "No need to say more, your opponent is me!"

Your opponent is me!

As soon as this sentence came out, Ouyang Shi didn't know where, Zhentian Wuzu was determined to intervene!

In this case, what else is there to say?

"Well, in this case, I will see your strength!" Ouyang Shi said coldly, suddenly a ray of light appeared in Ouyang Shi's Dantian position, in front of everyone, Ouyang Shi's Dantian position, unexpectedly appeared a fiery red knife. .

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