I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1475: Lei's person is me!

Ouyang Qi and the other members of the Ouyang family have regrets in their hearts. Yes, they would never have imagined that Qin Mo would be so strong before that, one person would have two companions of the martial ancestor level. There are only two martial ancestors in the entire righteous alliance!

Qin Mo has two Wuzu companions alone? This is too bad!

"No, you can't do this, you..." Ouyang Qi didn't finish speaking, only felt a huge suction appearing, and the Devouring Gate had begun to open his fangs!

Qin Mo was never a benevolent person, he would never show mercy when facing enemies!

The members of the Ouyang family were swallowed directly into the Devouring Gate, leaving only a scream.

The people of the Ouyang family can't be said to be weak, but they are no better than this Devouring Door in front of Qin Mo. Once the Devouring Door is opened, these people are not even qualified to resist!

After all, this Devouring Gate has been strengthened to the No. 1 Martial Spirit in the mainland. Although Qin Mo has not yet reached the ninth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm, titled Martial Emperor Realm, but even so, the Devouring Gate has to deal with these warriors in front of him, can they still let them escape?

Of course not!

These strong members of the Ouyang family were involuntarily sucked in. This scene also shocked the people present. How terrifying is Qin Mo's strength?

At this time, Ouyang Qi's body was also pulled up by the powerful suction, and his face became pale.

Ouyang Qi’s talent is not outstanding. He is only at the eighth floor of the Emperor Martial Realm. The power of the Devouring Gate can be swallowed even by the power of the ninth floor of the Emperor Martial Realm. Even if Ouyang Tianyu possesses a heavenly weapon. The soul, if you are not careful, will be controlled by the Devouring Gate, and the martial soul has been swallowed!

Like other members of the Ouyang family, Ouyang Qi was also attracted by the Devouring Gate. He wanted to escape frantically, but the huge suction power had been directed at him. Ouyang Qi found that several golden rays of light visible to the naked eye had been entangled. On him.

Ouyang Qi's face changed drastically, this is the strange golden light that caught Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul just now!

But even if he knew it, it didn't mean he could escape, the golden light was already entangled in Ouyang Qi's body!

Ouyang Qicai discovered how terrifying the power of this golden light was. After he was restrained, he couldn't even move. The whole body was captured and he went to the gate of devouring.

"Dare you beast!" At this time, a loud shout came, and it was the one Ouyang Shi!

Ouyang Qi is the son of Ouyang Shi. Although Ouyang Qi is not up to date, he is still the owner of the current Ouyang family. If Ouyang Qi dies now, the Ouyang family will probably be hit hard!

Moreover, Ouyang Qi is still Ouyang Tianyu's father and Ouyang Shi's son. Ouyang Shi is not willing to watch him die!

But is Ouyang Shi's threat now useful to Qin Mo?

After Qin Mo heard his words, he didn't even care about it. The gate of Devouring opened wide, and Ouyang Qi was sucked into the gate of Devouring himself.

Only Ouyang Qi's screams still lingered here.

Ouyang Qi is dead!

Everyone knows this, their faces are full of shock, a little can't believe it is true!

"Father!" Ouyang Tianyu shouted loudly.

"Qi'er!" Ouyang Shi's eyes turned blood red.

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