I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1477: Wuzu is nothing great

"Qin Mo, be careful!" Zhentian Wudi's voice sounded, and a figure suddenly struck behind Qin Mo, a terrifying flame fell down, and there was a sword aura in the flame!

Ouyang Shi attacked Qin Mo again!

This time, Ouyang Shi was extremely angry. He didn't use only 30% of his strength as he did before, and he slashed with all his strength. The sword energy instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire and slashed towards Qin Mo.

Since Qin Mo was able to dodge this Ouyang Shi's attack for the first time, he would naturally not fail to guard him!

There was also a reminder from Emperor Zhentian Wu that Qin Mo had disappeared in the same place as soon as he shook his body. When he saw Qin Mo's whole person, he had disappeared almost in an instant, evading this flame sword aura.

How could Ouyang Shi let Qin Mo be spared? He immediately chased down the past, and could easily deal with the titled Emperor Wu with the strength of Wuzu, not to mention that Qin Mo was only the fourth level of Emperor Wu!

Ouyang Shi wants to hunt down Qin Mo, I am afraid that it is not easy for Qin Mo to resist!

"Leader!" Hei Ye looked at Wu Xie, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

When Ouyang Tianyu died, Wu Xie did not speak, and there was no change in expression on his face, which made the night unable to guess Wu Xie's thoughts.

It is necessary to know that a son of the Righteous Alliance is very important to the Righteous Alliance. It stands to reason that innocence should not be the same as regardless of Ouyang Tianyu's life or death!

But what is the reason that Wu Xie can't help Ouyang Tianyu?

And now, if Ouyang Shi is allowed to continue to attack Qin Mo, I am afraid that Qin Mo will really die.

The dragon **** died in the righteous alliance, which would cause war!

Qin Mo's speed is still far behind Wuzu!

Only seeing Ouyang Shi chasing Qin Mo, he said angrily: "Beast, today I will take your life to sacrifice Tianyu!"

The sword full of flames had already been slashed on Qin Mo's body. This sword, without the slightest obstruction or stay, cut Qin Mo in half.

Qin Mo died like this?

Ouyang Shi also didn't believe it, and the next moment he knew that he had been fooled, because Qin Mo actually appeared not far from him at this time. What he had cut just now was just a clone!

What a mysterious means of avatar! It turns out to be the same!

Everyone looked at Qin Mo in amazement, but Ouyang Shi discovered that the Heavenly Shaking Martial Ancestor had already appeared in front of Qin Mo, and he wanted to kill Qin Mo again, I am afraid it would not be so simple!

"Qin Mo, I will take your life, I will!" Ouyang Shi stared at Qin Mo coldly.

"Vice lord Ouyang, let's end today's business!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and people around heard this voice and immediately understood that it was the lord who had spoken!

At this time, Wu Xie actually spoke, and when he spoke, he wanted to protect Qin Mo!

What's the matter? Does Qin Mo have friendship with the leader?

Heiye didn't speak when he saw this, but he already knew what the leader was thinking. Now he speaks innocently, but he wants to protect Qin Mo!

As soon as this sentence came out, even if Ouyang Shi wanted to attack Qin Mo, he had to weigh the consequences!

Ouyang Shi was very dissatisfied. Now Wu Xie actually spoke. Just now his son and grandson did not speak when Wu Xie died, but now he speaks! What does it mean!

Ouyang Shi is not convinced!

"Leader, I have something to say!" Qin Mo's voice came.

"Qin Mo, what do you want to say?" Wu Xie said, Qin Mo has a good impression of Qin Mo, and he has another thought, which was unexpected by others.

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