I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1481: Want me to be a son?

"Qin Mo, do you want me to go with you?" I only heard the Shaking Martial Ancestor.

After Qin Mo heard this, he shook his head. Although the strength of Zhentian Wuzu is not bad, he has not yet been able to fully accept his physical strength, and the degree of control is not enough, so he can't display all the strength he has now, so Even if Zhentian Wuzu followed him, what effect would it have?

And Qin Mo also believed that the current Innocent would not attack him, because if Qin Mo existed, it would be even more valuable to the Righteous Alliance!

If Ouyang Shi were still alive, it might still be possible, but now Ouyang Shi is dead, Ouyang Tianyu is also dead, Ouyang family, it's over, who would make another move for Ouyang family now, that would be the real stupidity.

Innocent is not stupid, so Qin Mo knows that he will not attack him at this time!

"I'll be fine, you go back and rest first, I will be back soon!" Qin Mo said.

"But..." The Roaring Sky Dog and the others were still a little worried, and Qin Mo waved his hand. He can solve this matter alone, and it doesn't make much sense for others to follow.

Seeing Qin Mo's persistence, the snarling dogs had to stay.

Qin Mo followed Wu Xie back to the main hall, and the people present were still shocked by what happened just now.

The strength Qin Mo showed was really terrifying. Not only could he kill Ouyang Tianyu, but even Wuzu also killed him. Although they didn't understand what method Qin Mo used, they knew, this One thing has indeed happened here.

This Qin Mo must not be offended!

Everyone thought of Qin Mo, and there was a moment of fear in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn't say anything to offend Qin Mo. Otherwise, today they will probably follow in the Ouyang family's footsteps!

What other people thought, Qin Mo didn't know, Qin Mo had already followed the Wu Xie into the main hall, Wu Xie let the others retreat, in this big hall, only Wu Xie and Qin Mo were left.

There was a faint smile on Wu Xie's face, but he didn't speak. This shocked Qin Mo. This little white face is not just for him, right?

"Qin Mo, are you interested..." Before Wu Xie's words were finished, Qin Mo was immediately interrupted.

"Leader, don't look at me like this, I don't like men!" Qin Mo said quickly.

"Who likes men?" After hearing Qin Mo's words, Wu Xie really wanted to slap Qin Mo's face. What is this guy thinking?

"Oh, if that's the case, that's good, I don't know what the leader is going to say?" Qin Mo said immediately.

"I want to ask you, do you want to join our righteous alliance?" I only heard Wu Xie say.

"Join the Righteous Alliance?" Qin Mo asked in confusion.

"I have investigated your identity. Although you have the status of the leader of Dongzhou, I now want you to be the holy son of our righteous alliance!" Wu Xie said.

"Want me to become a saint?" Qin Mo was taken aback when he heard that.

"Yes, you have killed the son of our righteous alliance. If you don't become the son of our righteous alliance, the reputation of our righteous alliance will probably be affected, unless you want to be an enemy of our righteous alliance. !" Wu Xie said.

"No? Leader, didn't you force people to join the alliance by doing this?" Qin Mo said with a strange expression on his face.

"Our righteous alliance is also one of the two major forces in Fenggu Continent, and the status of the saint son is lofty. It is only good for you to become the saint son of our righteous alliance!" I only heard Wuxie said.

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