I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1491: A hat of forgiveness

"The host needs to comprehend this soul of kendo by himself!" the system replied.

Qin Mo wanted to say something, but at this time a few people had already arrived. The one headed saw the destroyed cliff face and his face was green with anger. He said, "Qin Mo, what are you doing?"

Qin Mo looked innocent and said, "What do you do? I didn't do anything!"

"I didn't do anything? Look at what this is. This is the divine sword wall left by our second righteous alliance leader. You...why are you doing this?" Wu Xie has always been gentle, but at this time His face has also become quite terrifying, what is this Qin Mo doing? Why do you want to do this?

Dark night is also a little helpless. What Qin Mo has done is really too much. In this place, many strong people can be cultivated. Now that Qin Mo is making trouble, there are fewer people in the righteous alliance. A place to watch the sword.

There is this divine sword wall, but it can make them understand kendo faster!

"Leader, the Promise Divine Clock is not bad!" An elder said suddenly at this time.

"What?" When everyone heard these words, they immediately flew to the top of the mountain.

On this Wuji mountain, if you go up the steps step by step, you can’t fly. The divine bell will limit the Wudi’s ability to fly, but outside the steps, they can fly. Everyone has to reach the top of the mountain, but even more easy.

Sure enough, when everyone reached the top of the mountain, they immediately discovered that there was no magic clock at the top of the mountain.

"Qin Mo, I need an explanation!" Wu Xie stared at Qin Mo, his eyes full of anger.

Explain, how do you explain this?

Qin Mo thought for a while, he sighed, only to see a hat appeared in his hand.

All the people present are not weak. It can be seen that the hat in Qin Mo's hand is actually green, and it is not an ordinary hat!

There are spiritual fluctuations on this hat.

"Qin Mo, what hat are you?" Wu Xie asked immediately when he saw the hat in Qin Mo's hand.

"You can try this hat on, the leader, I think he is very suitable for you!" Qin Mo said, this hat has already flown out.

Wu Xie was shocked, his body shook, and he immediately left the place. Although Wu Xie didn't know what this green hat was, but he paid it back, it was definitely not a good hat.

Innocent is the strength of the second floor of Wuzu, but even so, he can't avoid this hat!

The green hat was immediately buttoned on his head, and Qin Mo also felt a little bit magical. This hat has the effect of automatically tracking the cuckold?

Forgiveness hat, as long as this hat is worn, the other party can forgive himself without doing too much. Although Qin Mo does not have a strong and innocent wife, but if this is not the case If you can handle it well, I am afraid that Innocence will not let him go.

This hat is what Qin Mo has reserved for himself!

It's just that Qin Mo didn't know how effective it was!

"Qin Mo, what did you do to the leader?" Hei Ye was also surprised and angry when he saw this scene.

The other elders also looked at Qin Mo angrily, as if Qin Mo had done something heinous.

"What are you nervous about? The leader hasn't spoken yet, and now this young master is a holy son, give me respect!" Although Qin Mo didn't know the effect of this forgiveness hat, he instinctively believed in the quality of the system.

This hat should have some effect!

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