I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1495: Sword Demon's Kendo

"Okay, we are willing to gamble with you!" After hearing this, these elders looked at each other and finally made up their minds. Since Qin Mo forced them, they had no choice but to bet now!

Qin Mo naturally ignored their thoughts, he was directly on the top of the Promise Mountain, where he realized the sword demon's soul of the sword.

"System, you didn't lie to me, this swordsmanship soul is really better than the second leader of the righteous alliance? This young master can't afford to lose that face!" Qin Mo said quickly.

"Don't worry, the soul of the sword demon is stronger than all swordsmanship in this world. As long as you can comprehend one point of his kendo, you can already surpass the sword intent on the divine sword wall!" System Road.

Qin Mo had heard the guarantee from the system before making this big bet. Now that he had decided to bet, Qin Mo also needed to do his best. On Qin Mo's head, a mysterious sword light appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo closed his eyes. He is now concentrating and comprehending the soul of the sword. Qin Mo has skipped the law of the sword and reached the state of "entering the way".

This realm is naturally very difficult, but now Qin Mo has the soul of the sword demon. He seems to have a guide. Others walk to "enter the way", but Qin Mo is riding a rocket. The gap can be imagined. .

"Leader, what do you think of this Qin Mo? He doesn't really want to challenge the sword intent of the second-generation leader?" He only heard the dark smile and said, "The second-generation leader is a swordsman, he When I left this sword mark, I already touched the realm of'entering the way'!"

"It stands to reason that this is indeed impossible. We have seen Qin Mo make a move before. In addition to relying on the weapon in his hand, he also relies on his martial arts spirit. For kendo, he does not even understand the law of the sword. Here!" Wu Xie shook his head.

"Entering the Tao, but the real threshold for cultivation, it is said that as long as you succeed in entering the Tao, you have the opportunity to become a martial sage, and even break through the void!" Hei Ye said a little yearning.

"If you want to become a martial artist, you and I are hopeless, because we have already lost our best opportunity. If it were for him, there would be a chance!" Wu Xie said suddenly.

"Leader, you don't plan to pursue everything here?" Hei Ye said with a look of surprise when he heard it.

Wu Xie, wearing a green hat, shook his head, and said: "The **** clock will disappear, there must be a reason for it, and if Qin Mo really has the ability to'enter the way' this time, it proves that his talent is exceptional, and I will still pursue it. what?"

"But other elders might be dissatisfied like this!" Hei Ye said again.

"What about dissatisfaction? Our righteous qi alliance, if there is a character who can join the sanctuary, it will be more important to our righteous qi alliance. I originally planned to let Ouyang Tianyu participate. Now, I can only let him try Tried it!" Wu Xie Dao.

"But this matter is too early for him!" Hei Ye said.

"It won't be too far, only half a year!" Wu Xie said lightly.

On the other side, Zhou Chi and other elders were also waiting.

"Elder Zhou Chi, that Qin Mo is too arrogant, should we just look at it like this?" said one of the elders.

"What if he really understands kendo? We have to kowtow to him and admit our mistakes?" Another elder said.

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