I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1605: The time has not come, let's kill a few more people!

Long Ya's gaze fell into the mirror in front of him, where it was Qin Mo and these five people who were already planning to do it.

"Since you are stubborn, don't blame us Wuling Five Emperors, go and die!" After one of the thin men said, he leaped towards Qin Mo, and the other four moved very fast. They worked perfectly together. , Attacked Qin Mo from five directions at the same time.

No matter which direction Qin Mo wants to break through, he will be blocked by them and killed again.

Does Qin Mo need to escape? Now Qin Mo's position is just right. He is in the center of five people. If he uses this trick now, he can attack five people at the same time.

"It's not me who is dying!" Qin Mo raised his head and only heard a long howl, as if the sound of a dragon roar appeared. This sound shocked the entire Demon Tower Town people covering their eardrums. , What sound is this? Everyone seemed to hear a roar of the Dragon King!

This is the sound of the dragon chant that Qin Mo has mastered because of the Dragon Swallowing Art. The sound of the dragon chant can stun the people around for a short time. Even if it is a titled Martial Emperor, it may not be avoided, let alone There are a few people here now.

The movements of these people were stagnant at the same time, and Qin Mo's palm had already caught one of them by the neck, using this person as a weapon, and smashed the other person who had fainted temporarily.

The bones of the two people made clear sounds, how terrifying Qin Mo's power was. He smashed the two people together, how could the bones of the two people withstand such a huge power.

A golden flame spouted from Qin Mo's eyes, and he burned one of them in an instant. The remaining two people just reacted, only to find that a sword light fell from the sky and struck one of them.

This person was cut in half directly, and Qin Mo had received the prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the crystal treasure chest!"

As soon as the last person ran two steps, he felt that something was wrong, Qin Mo had already appeared in front of him, and he could not escape at all!

"No, don't kill me!" The man's face became extremely ugly, and Qin Mo was naturally not a benevolent person, and the rule here is to kill, without any mercy, just killing is enough!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the platinum treasure chest!"


When Qin Mo collects the treasure chest, he also collects the talents of the strong here. Those who can participate in this magic tower competition have the weakest talents, and there are even many kings. As for the emperor, Qin Mo Didn't see a few of them, or Qin Mo hasn't met them yet.

However, the scene where Qin Mo killed the Wuling Five Emperors surprised the people of the Demon League. The talent of this young man was indeed outstanding!

"It seems that this time we have invited an incredible person!" A voice rang.

When Li Xiu saw this person, he immediately saluted and said, "I have seen the deputy leader!"

Li Xiu was a little surprised. In addition to the evil ancestor, there was another person who came here this time. This person was draped in a cloak and covered his face. However, judging from his figure, it seemed a little petite.

"Huh?" A whisper appeared, obviously from the man in the cloak, who turned out to be a woman.

Li Xiu looked at the cloaked woman and found that she couldn't see anything at all. After all, this woman's cloak was so wide that she could not see her figure at all.

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