I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1609: You beasts, let go of that girl!

Qin Mo thought for a while, he decided to help this girl!

Why not help those four men? It's very simple, because you can only get one treasure chest if you help four men. If you help this girl, Qin Mo will have an excuse to kill these four men!

Tang Qing is very distressed now. She didn't expect that her injury would be so severe, she turned back into a child's body, and was besieged by these four people. This time, is she really going to end it?

The girl was one enemy four, and it was obvious that she was at a disadvantage.

The choice between four treasure chests and one treasure chest, is this a multiple choice question? This is obviously a fill in the blank question!

Qin Mo didn't need to choose at all, he just started!

The four men in front of him are obviously going to kill, and now there are no more killers. If she recovers, she and others may be counter-killed!

At this moment, only a figure suddenly appeared, and the man shouted: "You beasts, let go of that girl and let me... come and clean you!"

The girl let go, let me!

Originally Qin Mo wanted to say this, but seeing that the girl was about seven or eight years old, Qin Mo immediately changed this sentence, after all, he couldn't be too beast!

This little girl is very watery and beautiful. At first glance, she knows that she is a beauty embryo. She has big eyes blinking and blinking. Now holding a ring in her hand, it is obviously difficult to deal with the four people in front of her. Up.

These beasts, even such a pink and tender little girl will not let go, it is really disgusting!

Qin Mo decided that he must represent the moon... Oh, the moon hasn't appeared yet, it would represent Dayang to clean them up!

When these four people saw Qin Mo appear, their expressions obviously changed, but they separated one to deal with Qin Mo, and the others immediately dealt with the little girl.

The little girl glanced over Qin Mo, her eyes were a little surprised, but now is not the time to pay attention to other people, she still needs to protect herself, just hope this young boy can support a little longer!

I only saw the little girl talking, the ring in her hand was divided into two, two into four, and four into eight... Throwing it out in front of him, the three martial artists on the seventh and eighth floors of the Martial Emperor Realm saw their expressions change. But they know that now the girl is at the end of the fight, and now is the opportunity to deal with her.

After the three people dealt with these circles, they saw the girl's face showing exhaustion. Just about to do it, they heard a scream.

The three people were shocked, what happened? How did your companion "kneel in seconds"?

When they turned their heads, they only saw that their companions had their heads cut off. It was estimated that less than three seconds had passed since he passed to fight Qin Mo.

Solve a powerhouse at the eighth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm in three seconds?


When the three people thought this way, Qin Mo was already close to another man. He said, "This young master hates you people who are bullying and afraid of hardship. You are really a scum. I am a man who represents justice!"

"A man who represents justice?" After the three people heard it, they looked at each other, but Qin Mo would give them a chance.

"Little girl, cover your ears!" Qin Mo made a gesture of covering her ears to the little girl with both hands. After the little girl heard it, she nodded obediently and covered her ears with her hands.

A smile appeared on Qin Mo's face, only to hear the sound of a dragon's roar from his mouth.

The little girl's face turned pale suddenly, even if she covered her ears, she still felt the voice coming, but fortunately, she did not faint, but the other three people couldn't react and were shocked. Passed in a coma.

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