I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1620: One against five

"This time, he probably won't have a chance to survive!" Brother Guizai said grimly.

"Regardless of whether he survives or not, neither of us will let him go!" Brother Ghost Thorn also said.

After the two said, the figure disappeared again. They were used to hiding it. Now they don't know whether Qin Mo is alive or dead, but they have to be ready to do it!

"Don't worry, he doesn't have that armor now, and I don't believe he can survive my Hongyanfeng storm!" Hongfeng is still very confident in his move, he said immediately.

"This kind of attack, but there is no dead angle attack, the power is really good!" The evil sword also said a little unexpectedly.

"Yes, my trick is..." Hongfeng didn't finish her words, only a loud noise was heard, and a huge figure appeared in the air.

The red flame maple violent that originally surrounded Qin Mo was suddenly blown away at this moment, and the faces of several people present showed surprise at the same time.

What is this special thing?

"Huh?" Among the powerhouses in the Demon League, the woman in the cloak let out a look of surprise. She felt very surprised that Qin Mo's martial arts spirit could be such a thing?

"He has summoned a martial soul? It's a pity, his martial soul seems to belong to a prefecture-level martial soul!" The evil ancestor shook his head.

I thought that Qin Mo's talent was excellent, and he might have a chance to succeed, but it seems that Qin Mo is still a bit short, and only possesses a prefecture-level martial spirit?

"His spirit is not a sword spirit, how could it be? Isn't he a sword repair?" Li Xiu was surprised.

Is the sword demon's spirit not a sword? But a monster?

how is this possible!

Other people also felt that this was a little weird, but the power of their Qin Mo's martial soul was really terrifying.

It is naturally impossible for Qin Mo to summon the Gate of Devouring. What he summoned was Emperor Yan!

Now Qin Mo's realm is enough to exert the power of Emperor Yan. Although Emperor Yan is only a prefecture-level martial spirit, its attack power is definitely not weak. Although the red flame maple storm is powerful, it is directly bombed by Emperor Yan!

The appearance of this Emperor Yan shocked all the people present. The body was as big as a hundred meters, and the flames all over made it look even more hideous.

"You...what martial soul is this?" Hongfeng couldn't believe it.

"What are you afraid of, but it's just a territorial martial arts soul!" He only heard the evil sword say, "We make a shot together, I don't believe he will be our opponent!"

"Good!" Red Maple gritted his teeth and said.

The two shot at Qin Mo from left to right, only to see that the red maple merged directly with the martial soul and turned into a huge red maple tree. Where the leaves flew over, the leaves immediately turned into flames.

The blade of the evil sword was horizontal, and the monstrous sword aura slashed towards Qin Mo, which turned out to be black, and suddenly slashed towards Qin Mo.

Behind Qin Mo, Tang Qing felt that Qin Mo's body was very mysterious, but she did not expect that Qin Mo's martial soul was actually just a prefecture-level martial soul, but even if it was a prefecture-level martial soul, it is now compared to this. The martial arts of the two are going to be stronger!

It is also a prefecture-level martial soul, and there are also strong and weak points. Although the Yandi martial soul is a prefecture-level martial soul, its power is stronger than other predecessor martial souls!

Qin Mo didn't merge with Emperor Yan. It wasn't that he couldn't, but he didn't want to. If he merged, how could Qin Mo summon other spirits?

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