Tang Qing's face was full of displeasure, she had never seen such a shameless person, Qin Mo actually said that the two need to act separately.

How could Tang Qing not understand the reason for this incident? Because of her current body, as long as a person with a bit of strength will shoot her, the reason is very simple. Compared with those of unknown strength, killing a little girl is of course the easiest thing.

Of course, if these people didn’t take the initiative, Qin Mo would not take the initiative to kill people, not because Qin Mo’s kindness, but because if these people didn’t take action against Tang Qing, they would not give birth to hostility if they took action to protect them. It will not fall out of the treasure chest.

When half a day passed, there were more than a hundred people who died in Qin Mo's hands. I am afraid that no one would kill more people than Qin Mo.

At noon, the system automatically settles.

"The dungeon is over. According to the 124 treasure chests obtained by the host, congratulations to the host for obtaining the diamond treasure chest!"

Diamond treasure chest? He would get a diamond treasure chest, but now Qin Mo can get the most advanced treasure chest.

But what can you get inside?

Qin Mo decided to go back and meet Li Xiu first, and then decide how to open this treasure chest!

Tang Qing was still with Qin Mo. There were thirty people who could survive this time, but only fifteen of them were eligible to participate in the next round of trials.

Because this time the rule is to kill ten people, and only those who can survive today at noon will be eligible to participate in the next round of assessment!

"Evil Ancestor, I don't think the current assessment is enough!" The cloaked woman said suddenly.

"Oh? What do you think?" Only the evil ancestor asked.

"We need to check whether they are loyal to our Demon League!" The cloaked woman said again.

"How do you want to evaluate?" Evil Ancestor said.

"Just like this..." The woman in the cloak whispered a few words in the ear of the evil ancestor.

Seeing the appearance of the cloaked woman and the evil ancestor, Qin Mo couldn't help but said to Tang Qing beside him: "Do you think the relationship between this woman and that old guy is the relationship between godfather and daughter?"

"God father and daughter? Old guy, who are you talking about?" Tang Qing asked suspiciously.

"Look, it's him!" Qin Mo pointed at the evil ancestor and said.

"..." Tang Qing was a little depressed. Don't even know this kid?

"What? Do you think so?" Qin Mo asked.

"That's the evil ancestor, don't you even know him, do you?" Tang Qing said in a bad mood.

"I really don't know!" Qin Mo replied, but Qin Mo said again, "So that's the case, then he must be a godfather!"

Tang Qing didn't know the dirty thoughts in Qin Mo's mind, otherwise she would definitely knock his head with the golden ring.

Thirty people survived, and only half of them were able to participate in the next round of trials. Naturally, the rest of the people could only become depressed. Looking at the fifteen people standing in front of them, only Li Xiu said: There are only five people who can join our magic league at a time!"

Of fifteen people, only five can join the Magic League?

But after thinking about it, there were 500 people who came here! There are only fifteen people left now, and they have to try again. It seems that joining the Demon League is much more difficult than joining the Righteous Alliance!

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