"Now that I read the name, please leave with this elder, and he will assign you a task!" Li Xiu said again.

Five people left with the first elder, followed by five others, and left with the other elder. Qin Mo glanced at the four people around him, then glanced at the cloaked woman, should they follow this cloak? Women together?

Looking at the current situation, it seems to be true!

Apart from Tang Qing, beside Qin Mo, there was another woman who looked ordinary and couldn't see the elderly, and the other two were middle-aged men.

"You follow the little girl now!" Only the cloaked woman said.

"This girl, what should we call you?" the ordinary-looking woman asked.

"You can just call me Elder Moon!" the cloaked woman replied.

"Elder Yue? What is our mission?" a middle-aged man asked.

"Our mission? To destroy a sect!" Elder Yue replied.

Destroy a sect? Hearing these words, apart from Qin Mo and Tang Qing, the other three were surprised.

"What? Are you surprised?" Elder Yue didn't look back, but said, "If you want to quit, I won't stop it, but your mission is a failure!"

Now naturally no one would withdraw. After everyone had a conversation, Qin Mo also knew the names of the other three. The ordinary-looking woman was named Pan Ping, and the other two were named Lu Qian and Wei Zhang. Except for Pan Ping, they are all titled Emperor Wu.

The place to go this time is a sect named Yunlangzong. This sect belongs to a sect under the righteous alliance. The power of the sect master is not weak. He is a titled martial emperor, and there seems to be a sect. The ancestor is also a powerful existence.

The purpose this time is to destroy this sect directly! Of course, the highest priority goal is to kill this powerful sect.

"Everyone, I know your strength, and I hope you know what you should do today. The priority task is to kill the Sect Master of the Yunlang Sect, their Supreme Elder, and six elders. Among them, they have the power of the titled Emperor Wu. Yes, there are three people, and the others are high-rank martial emperors!" Elder Yue replied.

Qin Mo's face is a bit weird, are the people in this demon league so simple and rude? If you want to destroy a sect, then destroy a sect?

"Elder Yue, I wonder if we can act separately, or do we have to act with you?" Tang Qing said suddenly.

"You can move freely, but if you can't even get the head of an elder, I will count your mission as a failure!" Elder Yue said again.

"In this case, we decided to act separately!" Tang Qing said.

Wait, what do we mean?

Qin Mo's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything, why was it represented? However, looking at this woman's appearance, it seems that he has some kind of information. It's best to do this, otherwise, Qin Mo will definitely teach her a lesson!

Qin Mo has a little affection for Tang Qing, and more, is a little interested in her exercises, because Tang Qing’s exercises can shrink her body into a little loli, this kind of exercises really make Qin Mo very curious.

Qin Mo didn't think too much of Tang Qing. Now that she represented him, Qin Mo was still a little unhappy.

After Elder Yue heard this, she was not surprised. She said: "In this case, let's send it there first, and I will tell you some information about this Yunlang Sect. You can make a decision!"

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