I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1640: Yunlangzong's request for help

As for taking these children to blaze a trail?

Just kidding, acting like this is no doubt about looking for death. Although Qin Mo doesn't know someone here can stop them two, he wants to protect four or five hundred children from escape safely? He can't do it!

It's better to let them stay here, and when the people from the Demon League attack, they will come back to save people!

"Are we going to find the Sect Master of Yunlangzong now?" Tang Qing said.

"We are in the past, and may be in trouble. Since Elder Yue said that the people of the Demon League will take action, we will wait another night and trouble them tomorrow!" Qin Mo shook his head.

"Then what are we doing now?" Tang Qing asked.

"Alchemy!" Qin Mo said.


"Some of the children here have taken some drugs. They may not be able to recover in a short time. I have to rescue them here, and then I can take them away tomorrow!"

Seeing these cute and innocent children, Qin Mo naturally needs to save them, but more importantly, if they can't be saved, Qin Mo's justice treasure chest will be difficult to collect.

As long as you save a thousand people or kill other wicked people, you can increase the progress of opening this righteous treasure chest. Now there are four to five hundred here, and of course Qin Mo needs to save them!

When Qin Mo was refining alchemy to rescue these children, the other three people, Pan Ping, Lu Qian and Wei Zhang, had also arrived here, but what they had to do this time was to sneak into one of Zongshan.

"Lu Qian, are you sure you remembered it correctly? Are there really those mysterious pills in the Yunlang Sect? Don't lie to us!" Pan Ping said.

"Of course I didn't lie to you, but everyone be careful. As I know, these medicines are not many and very rare. We must take these medicines out before the people of the Demon League attack!" Lu Qian said immediately.

"Yes, if this pill is so useful, I am afraid that as long as the people of the Demon League attack, we will not have a chance to obtain these pill, so our actions must be fast!" Wei Zhang also said immediately.

The three people sneaked up to the main mountain of Yunlangzong. With the strength of these three people, it was really not easy for Yunlangzong to find out.

Of course, that was before and now Yunlang Zongzong Mountain, especially here, but the defense is very tight. After the three people entered, they were discovered shortly after they broke into the Yunlang Palace.

The Yunlong Temple of Yunlangzong.

Sect Master Song Shan of the Yunlang Sect looked at what was reported by the elder in front of him, and his face was frightened. What is this? The people from the Demon League are here?

If others come, forget it, how come the people of the Demon League will come?

Although Yunlangzong joined the righteous qi alliance, it is not to be seen in the righteous qi alliance. Also in the past few years, several powerful warriors have emerged in their Yunlangzong, and he Song Shan and several others The elders have also become titled Emperor Wu, and are only valued by the Righteous Alliance.

But this is only a few years, the Momeng has already sent people to the society, and still want to attack them Yunlangzong?

Isn't this a mistake?

Had it not been for the elder Yuan in front of him, Song Shan would not have believed that this would be true. This time, the matter is of great importance!

"Elder Yuan, are you not mistaken about this matter? The people from the Demon League have really arrived?" Song Shan confirmed again.

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