I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1643: If the demons are big, we can leave here first!

Of course, if the two of us were able to help Yunlang Sect survive this catastrophe, these ten blood life golden pills would naturally belong to the two! And we will refine the remaining ten blood life golden pills as soon as possible and deliver them to both of you! "

Song Shan didn't panic at all when he saw the expressions of the two of them.

Song Shan's words made the two of them frowned, but they were not ordinary people, so naturally they wouldn't turn their faces right now.

Qi Jin said, "Sect Master Song, I don’t know how many titled Martial Emperors are among the members of the Demon League this time? Although we brought a trace of the disciples of the Righteous League, we only have twenty in total, and they are all. A disciple of Emperor Wu level!"

"This time the people of the Demon League are coming to encircle and suppress our Yunlangzong. There will definitely be at least five titled Emperor Wu. Our Zongmen originally had three titled Emperor Wu, plus two Keqing elders, plus two. We will kill as many people as there are from the Demon League at a time!" Song Shan replied.

Song Shan's words stunned Miao Zhi and Qi Jin. If they were really like what Song Shan said, this time they would be acceptable.

"Song Master, don't worry, Yunlangzong is also a member of our righteous alliance, we will definitely protect Yunlangzong!" Miao Zhi said.

"With Elder Miao's words, Song is relieved, and I will arrange a place to rest for both of you now!" Qi Jin said.

"Good!" the two replied.

After the Yunlangzong members left, only these two people remained in the room.

"Old Qi, do you really want to help them? We don't know how many people will come from the Demon League this time. If the people here are strong, we might be a little troublesome!" Miao Zhi asked quickly.

"I have sent someone to investigate this matter, and he will be back soon. What are you worried about? If the demons are too powerful, we can leave here first!" Qi Jin replied.

Miao Zhi nodded: "In this case, let's take this blood life golden pill first, so as to improve our strength!"

"Wait a minute, I'll check these golden cores first. I don't know if Song Shan will do anything!" Qi Jin said carefully.

Song Shan did not do anything. After all, he needed the help of two people and didn't want to anger them, so these four golden cores were all real.

The two immediately took the golden core and began to practice.

The next day, the people of the Demon League directly attacked this Yunlang Sect.

The one headed is an elder of the Demon League, but there are three elders of the Demon League here, and there is also a cloaked woman.

In the sky of Yunlangzong, the clouds suddenly became gray and darker and darker. The disciples of Yunlangzong couldn’t believe their eyes at all, because they saw people appearing on the clouds. Standing in the air.

"Elder Demon League, Cui Li, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

"Elder of the Demon League, Meng Liang, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

"Elder Demon League, Bian Shu, come to visit Yunlangzong!"

The voices of the three people are loud and loud, and the entire Yunlang Sect can hear clearly. These are the elders of the Demon League, and they are all powerful martial emperors. Now they have brought people to destroy the Yunlang Sect!

"The elders of the Demon League came to our Yunlang Sect. I don't know what's going on? We, the Yunlang Sect, but a member of the Righteous Alliance. It seems a bit wrong for everyone to come here to visit our Yunlang Sect!" Song Shan faintly Said.

Two titled Wudi elders appeared beside Song Shan.

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