I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1656: Do you have any evidence?

Because of Qin Mo's words, Tang Qing stared at Qin Mo for a full minute before saying: "I didn't expect you to be different from what I imagined!"

Qin Mo could feel that Tang Qing's affection for him seemed to increase!

This is a good thing!

"Let's leave here first, there are still things outside that we need to deal with!" Qin Mo said immediately.

Now is not the time to leave a discussion here, Qin Mo still has to collect sin value!

Sure enough, this young master is the righteous messenger chosen by God!

Qin Mo sighed and left with Tang Qing.

After the two left, there was no one else in the hall, and a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the ground slowly.

"Unexpectedly, he turned out to be the holy son of the Righteous Alliance, Qin Mo!" The shadow said as if to himself.

This shadow turned out to be the previous Wei Zhang!

Wei Zhang, like the ghost sting brother, survived this disaster with a shadow martial soul, and Qin Mo thought that killing him did not get the progress of opening the righteous treasure chest. In fact, he had not killed him at all. This Wei Zhang!

"If this matter is exposed, maybe I don't have to die!" Wei Zhang's eyes flickered.

But who is better to tell?

"Wei Zhang, so you are here!" With a sound, Wei Zhang turned around and immediately saw the woman with her body hidden in the cloak approaching. The slender figure made people think about it.

The current Wei Zhang didn't have a chance to reverie. He said, "Elder Yue, I have discovered a secret that is related to the identity of that lone lone who seeks defeat!"

Chapter 862 Don't Let Go Even You Beaten Up!

After Elder Yue heard this, she was a little curious and said, "What's the secret?"

"Elder Yue, in fact, this one who is seeking defeat is the holy son of the righteous alliance, Qin Mo!" Wei Zhang said immediately.

Wei Zhang knows very well that in the current battle between Yunlangzong and the Demon League, he is now poisoned by Song Shan, but it does not mean that he will listen to Song Shan. In Wei Zhang’s view, this Song Shan would be willing to be true The antidote for him, if he came back to tell Elder Yue about this, Elder Yue might save him instead!

"Do you have any evidence?" Elder Yue said calmly.

"What I heard with my own ears, and I saw before, his martial soul is different from the one shown before, it's a golden door!" Wei Zhang said immediately.

Wei Zhang sneered in his heart. If Elder Yue knew this, he would definitely not spare Qin Mo. Wei Zhang seemed to have seen the scene where Elder Yue found and captured Qin Mo.

"That's it, this matter..." Elder Yue suddenly stretched out his palm, and a white jade-like palm had been printed on Wei Zhang's chest. Wei Zhang's chest exploded on the spot, and a blood hole appeared.

Wei Zhang's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it was true. Elder Yue would actually kill him!

"Why... why?" Wei Zhang looked at Elder Yue in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

Elder Yue said calmly, "It's better not to let others know about this sentence!"

Wei Zhang's eyes were filled with puzzlement, but his heart was shattered, and it was impossible for him to survive.

Seeing that Wei Zhang died like this, Elder Yue took out some more powder and melted his body before leaving. She walked and said, "Qin Mo, you owe me a favor!"

Qin Mo didn't know these things, he was already watching the battle between the people in front of him.

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