I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1665: Who on earth is this Dugu begs to defeat?

The Qi family’s Patriarch is complete. Hearing Qin Mo’s words, his face was furious. For many years, no one dared to yell in front of their Qi mansion. The current Qin Mo is better, and he dares to scream here. , This is simply ignoring their family!

"Who can tell me, who is this Dugu begs for defeat?" Quan Quan said angrily.

"This Dugu defeat is a bully, Dad!" I only heard Qi Yi quickly say, "He wanted to kill the child before, but fortunately the child was too fate and escaped. He didn't want to talk about it, but Unexpectedly, he would chase here!"

"Oh? What do you say about this?" Quan Quan asked after hearing it.

"That's it..." Qi Yi began to compose a story, how pitiful he is, and how evil Qin Mo is. Not only did he **** Long Ya from Qi Yi, but he also humiliated him in public.

Qi Yi's story is full of errors and omissions, but it is complete but I believe it. After all, this is his most beloved son!

Complete will not watch his son be killed! So it is complete this time, but he chose to stand on his son's side.

The other elders of the Qi family could also see the complete meaning, and they immediately agreed.

"Yes, this Dugu's begging for defeat is too much, he dare to do such a thing to our young master!"

"He is simply defiant. Does he think we will let him mess around?"

"We are the Qi family, we must not let him go!"


Qi Yi also heard what these people said. He sneered in his heart, Qin Mo, even if you are powerful, can you be the opponent of our family? In addition to my father, there are also the ancestors of our Qi family. These are all titled Wudi, and they are powerful. You will definitely not be their opponent!

The ancestor of the Qi family had killed several titled Emperor Wu, and was not far from the invincible Emperor Wu, so in Qi Yi's eyes, this ancestor of the Qi family was an invincible Emperor Wu!

Even Qin Mo would not be his opponent!

"Go and ask the ancestor to come out, this time, I seem to be joining hands with the ancestor!" Quan Quan said immediately.

"No need, I have come out!" An old voice rang out, and everyone saw that an old man had come out. The face of this old man was full of anger, and everyone could see it on his face. anger.

"Even the ancestor was angry because of the fact that Dugu wanted defeat?"

"Of course, the ancestor loves our young master the most. Now that something like this happens, can he not be angry?"

"That Dugu defeat seems to be over, this time he is definitely dead!"


Amidst the surrounding discussion, the ancestor had already walked in front of Qi Yi.

Qi Yi quickly said: "My ancestor, this time I have disturbed you. I am really sorry for you!"

"You are fine..." The ancestor's eyes were full of chill, but Qi Yi thought that the ancestor was still complimenting him, he was a little flattered and immediately saluted.

"Ancestor, I am useless this time!" Qi Yi said immediately, with a sincere expression on his face.

"Hehe...you are not only useless, but also bold and stupid!" After the ancestor finished speaking, he suddenly slapped Qi Yi's face.

"Pop!" Qi Yi was fanned out with only a crisp sound.

This is the slap of the ancestors of the Qi family. How powerful is this slap. How could Qi Yi bear it. A slap hit his face, his entire face was red and swollen, and a mouthful of blood came out. In this **** water, there are still a few teeth.

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