I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1671: Is he haunted by ghosts?

The two giant apes hit each other's fists at the same time and took a step back at the same time.

"What is going on? Why does the Qi family mainly fight with the Qi family ancestors?"

"Is Ziquan crazy? I just heard him shout something silly!"

"It must be. He also killed a few people from the Qi family. Is he haunted by ghosts?"


The people around talked about it, and they didn't know why it was like this.

And the people who know all this are already sitting on the roof of Qi’s house. Qin Mo’s side Tang Qing is also sitting next to him, with his calf swaying there. Each of them is holding a bun, holding tea and looking at each other. Great ape war.

Next to the two, Elder Yue was also standing, and did not join the ranks of the two eating buns.

"When are they going to fight?" Tang Qing said blankly after taking a bite of the bun.

"It should be decided soon, wait a while!" Qin Mo replied.

The strength difference between the two giant apes is not too big, and such fierce battles will make Quan Quan gradually wake up, and Qin Mo's visual flicker has almost lost its effect.

When the two giant apes separated again, only one arm was missing. It seemed that the battle was still fierce.

The ancestors of the Qi family yelled at the complete set while beating, but the complete set just now didn't mean to bother at all. Now the complete set seems to have been sober.

"Ancestor, what are we doing?" Quan Quan said.

The ancestor of the Qi family was taken aback for a moment. Is it complete that he has come to his senses? If so...

Before the ancestor of the Qi family had thought about it, he saw that a figure had arrived: "The ancestor of the Qi family, this young master really can't see it anymore, I'll help you!"

It was Qin Mo, the Xuanxian Iron Heavy Sword had already shot, and the sword was completely cut.

Seeing Qin Mo, anger also grew in his heart: "You are the ghost!"

Complete Now, he is a giant ape with a hundred feet long, and he shoots Qin Mo with his palm.

The current completeness, even though he joined forces with Wuhun to become a great ape, one of his arms has been abolished by the ancestors of the Qi family. Even if the current completeness is complete, it will not be Qin Mo's opponent, let alone now. Up.

A sneer appeared on Qin Mo's face, and the long sword in his hand had been pierced out.

Break palm!

The palm breaking style of the Dugu Nine Sword can directly pierce a palm of this giant ape. It is complete before even reacting. Qin Mo's sword has been cut out again, and the remaining arm of the giant ape has also been cut off. .

Complete, where is the power to counterattack now, but he hates it! This Qin Mo is too shameless, he is simply a sneak attack!

"What do you do for Dugu defeat?" The ancestor of the Qi family felt that something was wrong. All of this was just one game. He had to deal with everything just now, so he didn't have time to think too much, but now he stopped, he immediately felt that something was wrong. Up.

But what if he finds out? Now Qin Mo didn't mean to stop.

Qin Mo even ignored the words of the ancestors of the Qi family, and once again stab everything.

The current martial spirit has disappeared. His martial spirit now loses his arms. He can only use his body to fight against Qin Mo. Facing Qin Mo's sword, he has no chance to dodge. Qin Mo blasted out.

But Qin Mo's sword instantly penetrated his palms and even his chest.

"Ding, collected 200,000 sin value!"

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