I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1678: How much do you have to do?

"I'm not convinced, as long as I kill him, I'm the same as the city lord!" After the city lord finished speaking, he suddenly violent and wanted to attack Long Yan, but at this time a figure was faster than him, it was Li Xiu.

"Get out!" Li Xiu blasted out with a punch, and the city lord was blasted out, severely injured.

"Patriarch Long Yan, from now on, you will be the city lord here!" Li Xiu said back.

Long Ya looked at the city lord who fell on the ground and vomited blood. The Long Family was about to rise this time. She knew that the Long Family had today, I am afraid it was also the blessing of Qin Mo!

Qin Mo had already reached the bottom of the Demon Mountain at this time. He didn't know what happened, but he received a prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the invisible pretender success, and the collected pretender value 100 points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the invisible pretending success, and collecting 200 pretending points!"


Invisible force? When did I pretend to be forced again?

Qin Mo looked confused, completely ignorant of what happened in Taluo City, but he didn't want so much. After all, the most important thing now is to enter the Demon Mountain, and it is better to see his father.

Now the Demon Mountain is in front of Qin Mo, and he will go in soon, to see his father!

There is an unspeakable feeling in Qin Mo's heart. This feeling is like a long-lost child who is about to go back to his hometown. Although he has never seen this father before, the blood in his body is derived from it. Yu Qin Zhenfeng!

However, when he saw the evil ancestor in front of him, Qin Mo constrained his mind. He no longer thought about this. It would be better to enter the Demon Mountain first.

When Qin Mo raised his head, he found that a mountain suddenly appeared in front of him. This mountain seemed to appear out of thin air. Qin Mo was sure that there should be no such mountain in front of him, but now it suddenly appeared!

What is this?

I was walking on the road, but suddenly a mountain appeared in front of me. This feeling was really weird.

"Do you think it's weird?" The Evil Ancestor said, his voice was a bit hoarse, but it was not unpleasant.

Qin Mo saw that the evil ancestor had turned around and was looking at him. Qin Mo replied, "It is indeed very strange. How did this mountain appear?"

"This mountain is actually in a formation!" I only heard the evil ancestor say calmly, "It is an formation, in fact, it should be called a profound formation!"

"Profound formation?" Qin Mo was stunned when he heard it. He had obviously never heard of such a thing.

"Yes, Xuan Zhen, this kind of thing shouldn't exist on this continent, because this is something that only holy realm martial artists have the opportunity to contact!" The evil ancestor replied.

It’s not the first time that Qin Mo has heard of the holy realm. What Qin Mo can know is that there are very few martial ancestors on this continent, probably only a few dozen, but there is not one in the holy realm!

And even if it is a martial ancestor, it is only low-level. Like Kong Hong that Qin Mo encountered before, it is already a very rare martial ancestor. If it were not for the explosive golden infant in Qin Mo at that time, it is estimated that Qin Mo could only drink hate. .

Qin Mo felt that the profound formation that the ancestor Wu said was something that only the martial artist of the holy realm could touch.

"What is the Holy Land?" Qin Mo asked.

"Holy realm, but above mortal people, able to travel from the sky, and even able to take the top level from thousands of miles away, powerful people in the holy realm are the powerful people who can open mountains and fill the sea!" The evil ancestor sighed. Soundtrack.

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