I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1681: I will guide you to practice!

"Let's continue walking, it will take about an hour to reach the place where I live, where I will guide you to practice!" The evil ancestor said to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo nodded. Then Qin Mo didn't make any more accidents. After walking for more than an hour, he only saw that Qin Mo had reached a quiet place. There were bamboo Qin everywhere, and Qin Mo found this place. The aura is very strong, if you practice here, it is quite good!

"Next, I will guide you to practice. If you have any questions, you can also ask me! My bamboo house is here, and yours is next to me! Now you can go back and rest for a while, and we will start practicing tomorrow!" Zu said, looking at Qin Mo with a pair of eyes.

Qin Mo nodded immediately, and walked into his bamboo house. When Qin Mo didn't notice, the evil ancestor's eyes revealed a look of greed. If Qin Mo saw it, he would be shocked. Jump, how could this evil ancestor's gaze be so lustful, is he looking at himself?

Of course, Qin Mo didn't notice this look. He had already walked into his bamboo house. The environment here was good, and Qin Mo seemed to need to stay here temporarily.

In the evening, Qin Mo saw that the evil ancestor had entered. He seemed to take care of Qin Mo and prepared some pills for Qin Mo.

"Dugu seeks defeat, I need to accept you as a disciple, and there is nothing to give you. I have collected a tenth-grade pill and gave it to you to take it. Every day from now on, I will give you a nine-grade pill. Pills can assist you in your cultivation!" Only the evil ancestor said.

Qin Mo was a little puzzled, the evil ancestor was too kind to him, right? You know that Qin Mo hasn't formally apprented a teacher, and now the evil ancestor has given him such a good medicine? This is great for him too!

"Thank you evil ancestor!" Qin Mo said immediately.

"Also called the evil ancestor?" I only heard the evil ancestor smile, "I don't care about those people with red tape, you can call me Master from now on!"

Qin Mo's eyes flashed, and he said, "Okay, Master!"

"Well, in this case, you can take this pill, and I will guide you in your cultivation tomorrow!" Only the evil ancestor said.

"Master, can you show some powerful tricks for the apprentice to see?" Qin Mo asked immediately.

"Oh? Look!" The evil ancestor pointed to the outside of the bamboo house. He just swiped, and the bamboo that was a hundred meters away was immediately chopped in half.

"Master is amazing!" Qin Mo exclaimed immediately.

However, in Qin Mo's heart, there was a hint of the talent treasure chest.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of him, evil ancestors, martial souls, death sickle (mutated heavenly martial souls), blood, no, exercises, Yi Yuan good fortune, soul skills... The exercises can make him easily take away others. Human body! But if you can’t break through the fifth level of the martial ancestor, you can only change ten bodies at most. Weaknesses, too many body changes, will weaken your mental power! Comprehensive evaluation, royal!"

"Ding, I have collected royal talents, but the talent treasure chest has already collected 10 million talents, so I can't get more talents!"

It was indeed an emperor's talent, and Qin Mo's heart was taken aback. Judging from this introduction, the evil ancestor in front of him was so kind to him, probably not because he wanted to accept him as a disciple, but because he wanted to...

Yi Yuan's good fortune can take away other people's bodies, and now he has his own eyes. Doesn't that mean that he wants his own body?

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