I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1684: Titled Emperor Wu

Collecting various levels of evil practice methods, the righteousness values ​​obtained by martial arts are different, 1 point for the yellow level, 10 points for the mysterious level...10,000 points for the king level, 100,000 points for the royal level, and...

"Do you like this technique?" The evil ancestor's voice came.

Qin Mo had been holding this Haoran Righteous Qi Art for a long time, the evil ancestor naturally felt very surprised, so he asked.

"Of course not. Why would I be interested in this kind of righteous exercise? I prefer magic. I practice not only fast, but also powerful!" Qin Mo waved his hand and said with disdain, "I just want to see this skill. The Fa has nothing to learn from, but depending on its appearance, it's nothing great!"

As Qin Mo said, he wanted to throw this technique out.

The evil ancestor had already noticed Qin Mo’s expression, and he was fooled by Qin Mo before he noticed it. After all, his mental power is too weak now, and it’s not a big deal that Qin Mo is fooling now, so he is fooling. Dafa is still very useful to evil ancestors.

"You are wrong to say that. Although these righteous people are pedantic, their practice is very characteristic. This practice, it is..." The evil ancestor guided Qin Mo like a real master. Come.

Qin Mo knew a lot about this technique, but Qin Mo just wanted to put this technique away now. After the evil ancestor finished speaking, Qin Mo blinked his eyes and said, "So, it seems I really It’s because I have too little knowledge, Master, can this technique be loaned to me to study it?"

"Of course, you can borrow and read the exercises here!" The evil ancestor said immediately.

I have to say that the evil ancestors are quite generous. There are five or six hundred king-level exercises and martial arts in the cheats here. Even if they are the emperor-level exercises, there are seven or eight. Of course, the evil skills are a bit less. It is estimated that only one-third.

What is evil? It's the kind of exercise that relies on plundering others' cultivation and even enhancing one's own flesh and blood. This is called evil gong. This kind of method is originally very rare. Although it is fast to cultivate, it hurts the reason.

There is a technique called Spirit Swallowing Technique, but it uses the soul of the opponent to improve one's cultivation!

There is also a blood oath claw, as long as the more people kill, the more blood is contaminated, the stronger the power!

and also……

These exercises and martial skills can naturally be called evil skills.

Normal people from the Demon League probably don’t practice all evil arts, so it’s not as easy as imagined to collect this evil arts into righteous energy.

But now Qin Mo immediately borrowed five evil works, and he said to his evil ancestor: "Master, I will first borrow these five evil works to read and read, don't you know if you can?"

"Of course you can, but if you are cultivating, you have to ask as a teacher first!" The evil ancestor said to Qin Mo.

"Of course, I'm just borrowing it now!" Qin Mo immediately took five evil works, plus this Haoran Righteous Qi Jue left.

Looking at Qin Mo's back, a trace of greed flashed in the evil ancestor's eyes again. It didn't take long. After five or six days, my mental power would recover, and this body would belong to me!

The evil ancestor could see that Qin Mo had taken the pills he had given Qin Mo these days. It seemed that this plan was still perfect.

When Qin Mo left the scripture room, the five evil arts disappeared.

"Ding, collect imperial evil powers and get 100,000 righteousness!"

"Ding, collect imperial evil powers and get 100,000 righteousness!"


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