I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1686: Old fellow, do you want to take me away?

"I have found out his appearance, so this time, I will accept him as a disciple and bring him to this magic mountain. Now he is on the same mountain as you!"

The evil ancestor said again.

Qin Zhenfeng was angry again, but still had no effect. When he was struggling, the blood on the pipa bone had stained the lock ring red, but it had no effect.

"Evil Ancestor, kill me if you want to kill, don't deal with him!" Qin Zhenfeng roared.

"Kill you? How could I kill you? Don't worry, you are the heir of my brother's reincarnation. After I take your son's body, it will be your turn. I will awaken my brother's soul. At that time, our brothers can be reunited again!" The evil ancestor said with a big laugh.

Seize the house?

Qin Zhenfeng struggled, he shouted: "No, evil ancestor, let him go, he is only eighteen years old!"

"Exactly, I have to take his body even more so that I have a chance to enter the Holy Realm. You don't have much time. Enjoy the last time, hahaha..." The evil ancestor laughed and walked away. Get out.

"No—" Qin Zhenfeng wanted to struggle, but his body was restrained. As soon as his soul power was mobilized, it would be absorbed immediately. He couldn't struggle at all, but the chain kept making noises, and you could hear Qin Zhenfeng still struggling. .

Run away, Xiu'er, what are you still doing here? Get out of the magic mountain!

Qin Mo looked at the pill in front of him. He was a little helpless. If someone else, he would have swallowed the pill without guarding the evil ancestor, but Qin Mo was different. He was a pill master. , And it's the top one in the entire continent!

Even if Qin Mo didn't look at it, he could smell something wrong with the pill based on his breath alone. After waiting for so long, is he finally going to shoot?

Qin Mo knew that the evil ancestor would definitely take action, but he did not reveal it, and was not sure for a while. Second, there was no chance to find out the whereabouts of Qin Zhenfeng, so he could only wait for the evil ancestor to take action!

This pill is a nine-tier pill, a golden pill for spiritual origin, but it has a little bit of soul powder on the surface. The effect of this kind of thing is to temporarily erode the other party’s mental power. This kind of thing, Qin Mo again How can I eat it?

"It seems that the old guy really wants to do it!" It is not difficult for Qin Mo to guess what this evil ancestor wants to do.

Since it is necessary to seize the home, the mental power of the opponent should naturally be as low as possible. Only in this way can the success rate of seizing the home be guaranteed!

In the eyes of the evil ancestor, Qin Mo should feel relieved after taking so many pills for him. This time, he was foolproof, and even if Qin Mo really resisted, it would be enough to teach him another meal! If you make your body weak, your spirit will become weak.

Qin Mo was summoned by the evil ancestor the next day. This place was a mountain. The evil ancestor summoned Qin Mo here and said, "Dugu begs defeat. You have been in my door for ten days. Now, during this time, I have also given you a lot of pointers. Now, I will teach you more advanced martial arts!"

"Master, what do you want to teach me this time?" Qin Mo asked.

"You know it right away!" As soon as the evil ancestor turned around, his eyes met Qin Mo.

At this moment, Qin Mo immediately felt that his eyes were in contact with that of the evil ancestor, and his mind was blank.

At the center of Qin Mo's eyebrows, a light suddenly appeared.

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