I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1693: This is the power of the Holy Land?

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, Qin Mo couldn't believe it would be so terrifying. This is the power of the holy realm?

The pangolin was thrown aside by Nie Xiaoqian like garbage, and Nie Xiaoqian's eyes fell on the evil ancestor.

The evil ancestor only felt a chill on his back. The strength of the pangolin had reached the second floor of the Martial Ancestral Realm, but in front of Nie Xiaoqian, it was like an ant. What kind of strength was this?

The evil ancestor didn't want to believe that there would be such a level of existence.

"You... are you a strong saint? Impossible, how could Qin Mo have such a powerful helper?" Why the evil ancestor couldn't believe that this was true, his eyes widened, and what happened in front of him was true. It was because he couldn't accept it.

Holy realm powerhouse, this one in front of him, but the Holy realm powerhouse, who possesses earth-shaking strength, is actually Qin Mo's companion? Who is this Qin Mo?

"My son, can this person be killed?" Nie Xiaoqian asked.

This question is like asking, son, I can kill this ant casually.

"Xiao Qian, how can you kill people casually? The so-called God has the virtue of being a good life, if you kill sins casually, you will suffer from heaven!" Qin Mo sighed and said with a look of compassion.

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Nie Xiaoqian was surprised that Qin Mo was such a kind person!

And Wu Zu's face changed a bit, in his impression, Qin Mo would be a kind person? Pull the calf! He didn't believe it!

"My son, what should I do then!" Nie Xiaoqian said again.

"Well, you will severely wound him and hand it to me!" Qin Mo said with a pity again.

The evil ancestor wanted to scold his mother when he heard it. Didn't you just say that God has the virtue of living well? Can't you just kill evil? Wouldn’t it be condemned?

I'm going, don't you let Nie Xiaoqian not do it, just do it yourself? Is this what you call kindness? Why do not you go to hell?

"Give it to the son? Is the son planning to kill him by himself?" Nie Xiaoqian also asked.

"Yes, Xiaoqian, if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell? This kind of murder should be borne by me alone. You are not a human being. If you kill evil, Tianwei will definitely not Let go of you!" Qin Mo said again, with a pitiful look.

The evil ancestor did not believe Qin Mo's nonsense at all, but Nie Xiaoqian did. Not only did she believe it, she was also very moved.

"The son is so considerate of Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian is very grateful to son!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

"Nie Xiaoqian's affection for you has increased, currently at 30!"

Damn it, can you do this? Qin Mo didn't expect that he could even flicker a ghost!

What is a fool? What is Emperor Wuyou? The awesome people should fool even ghosts!

The corner of the evil ancestor's mouth twitched at this time, how could this strand of remnant soul be so innocent?

"Xiao Qian, do it boldly. I will be your backing and will always support you!" Qin Mo continued.

"The son is really kind to Xiaoqian! Xiaoqian hopes to stay with the son. I don't know if the son is willing to take in Xiaoqian?" I only heard Nie Xiaoqian say.

"Nie Xiaoqian decided to be parasitic in your body. Nie Xiaoqian will not cause harm to you, and can come out to help you casually, but Nie Xiaoqian is just a ghost now. Every time she makes a shot, she consumes sacred power very much and it takes a long time to recover! Are you sure?"

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