I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1699: To kill him, kill me first!

"Fuck! This is my son. If you want to kill him, kill me first!" Qin Zhenfeng roared up to the sky, only to see that Qin Zhenfeng's eyes were filled with black light. The black shadow had arrived in front of Qin Mo, but it was alive. Scattered by two black lights.

Qin Mo didn't know what happened to Qin Zhenfeng at all, but Qin Mo could feel Qin Zhenfeng's love for him from the bottom of his heart. This person was his father, Qin Zhenfeng!

At this moment, Qin Mo no longer responded to Qin Zhenfeng. This Qin Zhenfeng could sacrifice himself for him!

Qin Zhenfeng covered his head with his hands, his face became very pale, and his face had become hideous.

"Do you think you can stop me? Qin Zhenfeng! He killed my brother, I will never let him go, he must die!" A strange voice came from Qin Zhenfeng's mouth.

"If you want to kill him, I will die with you! Xiu'er, run out, quickly!" Qin Zhenfeng shouted.

"Father, what's going on, tell me, dad!" Qin Mo said immediately.

"It's okay, Dad is already very pleased to see you grow to this level, hurry up!" Qin Zhenfeng smiled at Qin Mo and said.

But the next moment, the smile became even more hideous: "For a brat, you want to blew yourself? Are you crazy?"

"This is my son, the son I am most proud of!" Qin Zhenfeng's voice came.

"He is a reincarnated person. Now his situation is very unstable, and he will be taken away by the reincarnated person at any time. Moreover, the reincarnated person seems to be very powerful. We can't stay anymore. He can't compete with the reincarnated person. !" I only heard Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly said.

"What will happen then?" Qin Mo asked immediately.

"He will be occupied by the reincarnated person, and he will no longer be the original him!" Nie Xiaoqian said.

He is no longer the original one? Qin Mo's face changed.

"Xiu'er, hurry up, hurry up!" Qin Zhenfeng shouted again.

"Could it be that there is no way to stop it?" Qin Mo's face became hard to look, is the distress system still useful now?

Qin Mo couldn't think of a way anymore, and could only watch Qin Zhenfeng being snatched by the younger brother of that evil ancestor?

At this time, there was footsteps coming, the sound of footsteps was very light, but this person stepped out on purpose. Qin Mo turned his head and saw only a woman in a cloak coming in. This woman But it was quite mysterious, because she couldn't see her face at all.

"President Dugu, it seems that you need help!" The woman said, her voice was very calm, she was not a little surprised by what happened here.

When she was speaking, Qin Mo had already distinguished who she was. This woman turned out to be Elder Yue!

Why does Elder Yue appear here? Did she know that Qin Mo killed the evil ancestor? Why did she come to help herself?

Qin Mo didn't want to know any of these questions now. He said one sentence: "Elder Yue, can you help me?"

"President Dugu, no, it should be Mr. Qin Mo. I have a way, but I need your help from Mr. Qin Mo!" I only heard Elder Yue say.

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Mo asked immediately.

"I know a secret method that can destroy the other person's soul, but if the destruction is wrong this time, it will not be the soul of that adult, but the soul of your father!" Elder Yue said.

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