I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1713: There is a pub!

But these three evils, I feel my legs are shaking, what kind of monster is this so special? This is too scary, right?

Qin Mo's power is indeed strong, they have not thought of any way to deal with Qin Mo!

The three people looked at each other, and their faces were as ugly as they were.

"It seems that you don't want this young master to robbery. No, you have contributed a little protection fee to this young master. In this case, you will not be protected by this young master, do you know?" Qin Mo's eyes were full of With evil intentions, the eyes that looked at the three of them also changed.

When these three people heard Qin Mo's words, they cursed in their hearts.

Protection fee, your sister, isn’t this what we charge? Why did you accept us?

Although this is the case, after seeing Qin Mo's strength, the three people are more unable to promote the idea of ​​confronting Qin Mo. The strength of this young boy is really too strong. They don't know that they will be Qin Mo. Opponent.

"My lord, we are willing to pay the protection fee, please don't act against us!" the three people said at the same time.

"In this case, the three of you should hand over the sixty percent of the yuan stones on you!" Qin Mo said.

"What? Sixty percent?" When one of the bald guys heard this, his face changed. Sixty percent of the original stone is killing them!

The faces of the people around were gloating. The five evils of the East City did a lot of bad things, but the people behind them, so few people dared to offend them. Now that they have been beaten, they are naturally happy.

After Qin Mo heard this, his face showed a sneer: "What? Do you have any opinions on the seventy percent of the precious stones I collected?"

"My lord, didn't you say that it was 70%? Isn't it 60%?" The woman screamed.

"Oh? So you want to give me 80%? In that case, I am not polite to accept it!" Qin Mo sneered.

Has become 80% again? The expressions of the three evils became very ugly, but they dared not speak anymore, what if Qin Mo raised the price again?

This young man is the most insidious, shameless, and nasty person they have ever seen!

Obviously he is just a little devil, and he can still be so powerful, that's all, even if he has the strength, he is so shameless!

This person, they dare not offend now!

"I have a special induction technique. I can feel the amount of primordial stone in your body. If anyone of you wants to resist me, don't blame me for being rude!" Qin Mo sneered.

These few people are not poor, and they each gave Qin Mo a tenth-order primordial stone. The unconscious Han Qin Mo unceremoniously took all his primordial gems, and the one who died was the same, and received these primordial gems. After that, Qin Mo walked past the Scarlet Blood City.

When the people around saw it, they knew there was no good show, and they dispersed.

After these people dispersed, the three evil faces became very ugly.

"This kid dares to do such a thing to us, absolutely must not let him go!" said the bald man.

"We are not his opponents at all, so what can we do?" The exposed woman frowned.

"Although we are not his opponent, but someone will be his opponent!" said the third middle-aged man.

"You mean, you want to ask that adult to take action?" The exposed woman said.

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