I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1736: Does Qin Mo really think so?

After hearing these words, Mi Cai's gaze at Qin Mo changed a bit. Did Qin Mo really think so?

In order not to pity him, Qin Mo would say such a thing? If this is the case, I owe Qin Mo a favor!

Mo Yeji's face also changed slightly. Qin Mo didn't know her identity, otherwise, there would be no need to worry that she would not be able to bear this responsibility, but now Qin Mo confessed loudly and killed him here. The horse industry's affairs would indeed fall on Qin Mo himself.

He is really a man of righteousness, different from those coquettish **** men!

The other men only focused on Mo Yeji's body and her appearance, but Qin Mo seemed to dismiss these things, and in order not to inflict other people, he took all the responsibility on himself. He is a real man!

At this moment, Mo Yeji's favor with Qin Mo greatly increased.

At this time, Qin Mo received a prompt: "Mo Yeji's favorability for you has increased, currently at 60!"

No way? Qin Mo looked confused, knowing that he would do this, not for other people, but to pretend to be here!

If Ma Ye died of serious injuries after returning, where would the death be shocked by Qin Mo's hands? Of course, Qin Mo will inevitably flicker here.

What Qin Mo didn't expect was that this would also attract a beautiful woman.

Qin Mo didn't think it was his own words that caused Mo Yeji's favor, it must be because he was handsome!

Sure enough, a man like this young master...

"My son, because your mental power reaches 300, the son will exude spiritual temptation in an unnatural state, and will attract the opposite **** with a lower spiritual power between 100 and 200. Please get the spiritual practice method as soon as possible, otherwise It will easily lead to mental breakdown!"

A voice interrupted Qin Mo's lust, it was Nie Xiaoqian's voice.

Nie Xiaoqian is indeed a ghost. Not only does she usually show up, even if she is in Qin Mo's body now, Qin Mo doesn't know when she will suddenly appear or disappear again.

"No? Is it so serious?" Qin Mo asked quickly.

"Yes, that girl named Mo Yeji, her mental power is estimated to have just exceeded 100, so son, you have a natural temptation for her. If this continues, your mental power will collapse. You must Learn to control your mental power!" Nie Xiaoqian said to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo's expression changed slightly, and it seemed that he had to go back to the Scarlet Blood Inner City quickly, and there would definitely be the techniques Qin Mo needed in the Scarlet Blood Inner City.

Qin Mo's gaze fell on Ma Ye who was in front of him. Ma Ye struggled to escape, but his bones and even internal organs were shattered. He could survive only because of the powerful vitality of the titled Emperor Wu.

It is impossible for Ma Ye to escape by his own strength. Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Mo, but Qin Mo continued: "This young master has already said, I will take your life, remember, you Will die because you offend someone who shouldn’t be offended!"

"I, I'm Dugu begging for defeat. When I'm on the road, remember to report my name!"

When Qin Mo waved his finger, a sword light flashed, and the horse industry in front of him had his entire head cut off. The horse industry's head rolled on the ground, and blood rushed out wildly.

The evil power treasure chest has been collected, so now Qin Mo can only get the sin value for killing people.

"Ding, collected 160,000 sin value!"

"Ding... pretend to be worth +"

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