I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1742: Those without strength are arrogant, and those with strength are confident!

"People without strength are arrogant, and those with strength are confident!" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Hmph, I, Meng De, have been the elder of the Demon League for so long, and I have never seen such an arrogant person!" I only heard the elder say.

"It's the same with my Mingda, the young people nowadays are more impetuous than the other!" said another elder.

"Young man, I advise you to apologize to Elder Meng De, otherwise, you may not be better in the future!" Another elder said.


The elders of the surrounding demons had already begun to slander Qin Mo here one by one, as if Qin Mo had committed some heinous crime.

Qin Mo has heard the words of the elders of the Demon League. If he is a member of the Demon League, what these people said is not bad. Unfortunately, Qin Mo is not a member of the Demon League, so how can Qin Mo care about it? The words of these people.

Qin Mo didn't speak, because he knew someone would make these elders shut up.

Sure enough, a voice rang: "Okay, shut up!"

This is the leader of the Demon League, Bu Zheng. His gaze is very sharp. His gaze falls on Qin Mo. Qin Mo also looks at him. This man is a very attractive middle-aged man. It looks very attractive to little girls.

There was a horoscope on his lips, and his gaze was like a torch. Qin Mo couldn't believe that a man who looked so righteous would be the leader of the Demon League.

"Dugu seeks defeat, I know you are the disciple of the evil ancestor, but when you came here, the trouble was too great. It is said that you killed more than a hundred people in a tavern!" I only heard Bu Zheng Said calmly.

"Leader, I can't be blamed for this matter. I came here alone and was bullied. They wanted to attack my subordinates. I will naturally fight back!" Qin Mo answered calmly.

"You said yes? These are just your own words!" said another elder.

"Who are you?" Qin Mo said again.

"I am Lu Cheng!" said the elder.

"My young master is talking to the leader, do you have the qualifications to interrupt? Or do you want to speak to me on behalf of the leader? Or you already have the intention to replace the leader? Oh-so you want to rebel!" Qin Moyi With a shocked face, he pointed to Lu Cheng and said.

"You...what are you talking nonsense?" Lu Cheng was anxious and angry when he heard this, "Where did I rebel? Don't talk nonsense!"

"If you weren't rebelling, if this young master is talking to the leader now, would you still dare to intervene?" Qin Mo said again.

"I...I just saw you talking nonsense, don't slander me!" Lu Cheng said again.

"How do you know I'm talking nonsense?"

"Naturally, I heard that such a big thing has already happened when you came here!"

"That means you just heard about it? Isn't it possible that our Demon League only depends on ‘heard’ to do things? What do you hear?"


"As the elder of the Demon League, you don't know how to deal with it, you don't know, you listen to rumors, what is the use of your elder to do things? I suggest that this elder should be removed from his post! Raising him is just a waste of vitality!

"You!" The elder was furious.

Qin Mo’s robbing of white, coupled with Qin Mo’s Fudge, cannot be refuted by other people’s words. The most important thing is that Qin Mo’s mental power is as high as 300, which is double digits or even single digits compared to others. Compared with mental power, it has a great influence.

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