I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1758: Now these demon slaves belong to the young master!

The others nodded immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for the successful installation and get 100 points!"


This time the pretending to be force was also quite successful, but the pretending to be not the end, I don't know whether it was pretending to be forced or will be struck by lightning, so Qin Mo appeared on the heads of these demon slaves at this time.

The demon slaves have humans and monsters. As soon as they saw Qin Mo, they immediately rushed to Qin Mo to tear Qin Mo into pieces.

There were hundreds of monsters here, plus the humans, all pounced on Qin Mo, it was quite spectacular.

"Dugu seek defeat, be careful!"

"Master Dugu!"

"Master Dugu!"


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaim. After all, what Qin Mo is doing now, but they are not ashamed of it. They also want to know what Qin Mo wants to do? Qin Mo has already opened his mouth...

Is it that kind of magical sonic attack? Tang Qing looked at it and thought in her heart, but disappointed her, Qin Mo turned out to be singing instead of attacking.

"Get up, people who don't want to be demon slaves!"

"Build our flesh and blood into our new imperial city!"


Qin Mo's singing is not pleasing to the ear, but it is very loud, and it sounds very comfortable and exciting!

Everyone felt as if their spirits were being shocked. Those monsters that originally attacked Qin Mo, as well as those powerful demon slaves, suddenly stopped their hands at this moment. They seemed to be listening, listening to Qin Mo's singing!

There is no accompaniment, no soundtrack, only Qin Mo's loud singing voice, as if to awaken the self in the soul of these demon slaves!

The sluggish gazes of the demon slaves began to recover at this time. They looked at Qin Mo as if they were looking at a belief. Someone knelt down, one, two, three...

The monsters fell on the ground, grateful to Qin Mo. It was the man in front of him that restored their humanity and animality, and made them wake up from their loss!

"Too...too powerful, what kind of mental charm is this?" Mo Yeji was so shocked that she was almost speechless.

"How did I see the divine light from behind him? He also practiced the method of merit?" Tang Qing said inwardly.

"You don't need a single soldier to subdue the demon slave here, Lord Dugu, really is a genius!" Mi Cai said.

The demon guards here, in order to deal with the demon slaves here, do not know how many people died, but even so, these demon slaves did not give in, and they could not surrender them, but now it is different. Qin Mo spoke with One song conquered these demons.

It was too surprising to let these demon slaves kneel down. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it was true.

How did Qin Mo manage to make these demons surrender to him!

Qin Mo was also quite satisfied with this result. After all, these demon slaves were now sober and he was able to receive rewards.

"Ding, the number of awakened demons is 1/10000!"


"Ding, the number of awakened demon slaves is 3345/10000!"


"Ding, the total number of awakened demon slaves is 16430/10000! The treasure chest is successfully upgraded, and it is currently the amethyst treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the amethyst treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Martial Soul Evolution Stone (Intermediate)!"

This treasure chest did not need to be opened by Qin Mo, it was opened by itself, and a fiery red stone was added to Qin Mo's hand.

Martial Soul Evolution Stone (Intermediate), can evolve martial souls below the prefecture level. This Martial Soul evolution rock belonging to the fire attribute is very helpful to the evolution of the fire attribute pre-level martial soul!

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