I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1767: What conditions do you have? Just say it!

In the war under Wuzu, the titled Emperor Wu is indeed powerful, and it is also a very big help. There is a titled Emperor Wu, but it can increase the combat effectiveness a lot.

If there is an invincible Emperor Wu, his combat power will be several times that of the titled Emperor Wu!

It is precisely because of this that it is a great thing for the current Qin Mo to let these titled Wudi join the Demon League!

Bu Zheng immediately summoned Qin Mo. When Qin Mo came here this time, the five elders of the Demon League naturally followed him. Seeing these five elders of the Righteous League standing in front of him, Bu Zheng was a little surprised.

As a warrior, it is impossible to kneel down to other people, and so is the titled Emperor Wu. They have their own arrogance, how can they kneel down to other people?

So the five elders of the Righteous Alliance stood behind Qin Mo, and they stood proudly and looked at Bu Zheng.

Bu Zheng looked at the few people in front of him, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and said: "You five, are you really willing to join our Demon League?"

Among the five elders, one of them is more eloquent, his name is Jiang Xu, and he said: "Leader, we are willing to join the Demon League, but we have one condition!"

"What do you have? Just say it!" I only heard Bu Zheng say.

"Our condition is that although we are willing to join the Demon League, we only want to follow Dugu and seek defeat, Young Master!" Jiang Xu said immediately.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present immediately began to discuss it.

"They are members of the righteous alliance, so they are really willing to join the magic alliance? How is this possible?"

"Did you not hear? They said that it is okay to join the Demon League, but they have to follow Dugu and seek defeat!"

"Will the leader agree to this condition? If they do, they will no longer be under our control, but will be controlled by Dugu!"


Bu Zheng didn't answer immediately. He looked at the person next to him. On both sides of Bu Zheng, it was Da Motian and Mo Yue.

Da Motian frowned and said: "Leader, I don't think this is feasible. If that's the case, wouldn't these elders become the private army of Dugu seeking defeat?"

"Mo Yue, what do you think?" Bu Zheng looked at Mo Yue again.

"These righteous alliance elders will join our magic alliance, which is also a great help, and they only listen to Dugu's begging for defeat. If this is the case, we have only two ways to deal with it. One is to kill them directly, and the other is to agree. The conditions for Dugu defeat!" Moyue said lightly.

If he could kill these righteous alliance elders, Bu Zheng would have killed them a long time ago. He would leave them behind. He still thinks that they are valuable. Now that Qin Mo can conquer them, this is naturally a good thing.

"Dugu seeks defeat, can you really convince them?" Bu Zheng asked.

"Leader, don't worry, if they can join my subordinates, they will definitely not betray the Demon League!" Qin Mo blinked, looking very sincere.

They follow me, of course they will not betray the Demon League, because they are not members of the Demon League!

"However, I have one more condition!" Qin Mo said again.

"You have the conditions again?" Bu Zheng asked with a twitch of his mouth when he heard Qin Mo's words.

"Yes, lord, this is a very simple condition. Those demon slaves, let me manage them in the future. Otherwise, they are likely to panic, insomnia, incontinence, and even..." Qin Mo immediately Opened the mouth.

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