I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1774: I am Red Boy, nicknamed Saint Ying Wudi!

What Qin Mo was a little helpless was that the current system kept giving him a reminder: "Jiuyou Fengyan was captured by someone!"

"The Red Lotus Karma Fire was taken!"

"Jiuyou Fengyan was captured by someone!"


The strange fire that Qin Mo didn't get, except for the first four strange fires, was quickly taken away. The existence here is worthy of the Wudi level. Their strength is strong. To take away this strange fire, it is still possible. Did it.

Suddenly, this mysterious flame appeared on Huo Mingshan, and these flames seemed to be different. As long as they got it, they could change their bodies. The effect of this kind of flame made many people's hearts moved. .

However, Qin Mo was not worried about the alien fire being taken away, because Qin Mo could feel the aura of the alien fire on their bodies, and similarly, they could also feel the aura of the alien fire on their bodies. Sure enough, in less than half a day, there were already people. Here comes the door.

"Boy, you also have that kind of magical flames, right? Hand them over, we can let you go and spare you a way to survive!" Four people appeared in front of them, looking at Qin Mo and Tang Qing with their faces sneer.

Tang Qing didn't know much about the changes here, she only felt that it was getting so hot, and the temperature was more than twice as high as before.

Tang Qing can vaguely feel that some changes have indeed occurred here, but Tang Qing now cannot understand what these people in front of him are saying.

"What do you mean?" Tang Qing asked.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a beautiful chick here, or, after we solve your relationship, we will have a good chat with you!" The man said with a lustful smile.

Tang Qing is such a beautiful girl, if these people are not moved, it is obviously impossible.

But for them now, it is better to **** the alien fire from Qin Mo. After all, the alien fire can improve their strength. In the eyes of these five people, this is a great opportunity!

At this moment, Qin Mo's eyes widened, and the five people touched Qin Mo's eyes, only to feel that the person in front of him was not a single person, but a monster, and a huge earth-shattering beast was watching them.

Qin Mo's current spiritual power is so terrifying, even if he is a powerful man at the title of Emperor Wu, as long as his spiritual power is not strong, he will be shocked.

Now these five people stepped back together.

They were scared!

how is this possible?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully deterring Emperor Wu with his eyes, and collecting 100,000 shock points!"


With five consecutive sounds, Qin Mo's shock value had reached 1.5 million!

It deserves to be staring at who is pregnant, Qin Mo wants to see, anyone who dares to do it, who dares to do it, will stare at him to death!

After the five people took a step back, they immediately reacted, Nima, what are we doing? How could he be scared by his eyes?

The five people couldn't believe it, they really couldn't understand, how could the look in the eyes of this young man be so terrifying?

"What are they doing?" Tang Qing asked with a look of confusion.

"I don't know, maybe they are timid and scared by you, right?" Qin Mo said nonsense with a serious face.

Coward? Scared by me? When Tang Qing heard this, she rolled her eyes. How could she say she was also a beautiful woman, how could she be scared? This is too hurtful, okay?

But Qin Mo didn't pay attention to what she thought. Qin Mo was also very interested in the strange fire on one of the five people.

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