I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1786: Self-made skills, mouth escape

Buddha's Palm? What it is?

The flame demon frowned, and Emperor Yan's fist blasted again, but this time, the black flame on his hand was able to block the fist in front of him.

The black flame entangled Yandi, but couldn't hurt Yandi, but Yandi blasted him with a punch.

"The Flame Demon, if I read it right, you have been taken away now, and there is still no way to control your body. You can't completely control the use of this body now!" Qin Mo continued. Said.

what? Yan Demon's heart was startled, Qin Mo actually noticed it?

"Look at your punch, the movement is obviously a bit too stiff, and your arm strength is not good! There is also this palm, you are obviously too hard, too hard will make your body lose balance, and this Feet..." Qin Mo actually started to point the Flame Demon on the spot.

The Flame Demon was a bit uncoordinated, but Qin Mo wanted to listen to what Qin Mo said, but what Qin Mo said was true. The Flame Demon didn't listen and dealt with Emperor Yan. It seems more difficult.

"The fire demon's aversion to you has increased, currently at 60! Enter the first-level rage state!"

The more this happened, the less the Flame Demon wanted to listen to Qin Mo!

But what Qin Mo said in his mouth was endless. Even if the flame demon didn't want to listen, it was impossible. The flame demon's breath became more unstable now, and he even felt that his body was repelling him. Up.

If this continues, his body is likely to collapse.

The body of the newly seized house is obviously not easy to control. The soul in the Balrog's body was not in control of the human body before. Now, how can it be controlled well?

In addition to Qin Mo's words, it is simply a magic sound, which has been entwining him, and he has no way to concentrate.

Hearing Qin Mo's words, even Tang Qing felt quite surprised. This Qin Mo was also great. Although he didn't know what to do there, it was obvious that his mouth was more powerful than his Not weak.

The current Flame Demon was obviously a bit irritable by Qin Mo. Yan Emperor's attack was even a bit unable to support him. What kind of ability is this?

Tang Qing didn't make a move, but she had been here to protect Qin Mo. The only one who made the move was Yan Di, the Martial Spirit!

Tang Qing is also a discerning person. She can see that it is actually a bit difficult to stop the flame demon based on the strength of the flame emperor’s martial soul. The black flame on the flame demon’s hand can absorb the energy of the flame emperor. When the energy was exhausted, the Emperor Yan would naturally disappear.

But now the Flame Demon was blasted out by the Yan Emperor's fists and feet, and he made a lot more mistakes.

"Why are you wrong again? This punch should go to the right again, ah, you are wrong again..." Qin Mo continued.

"The fire demon's aversion to you has increased, currently at 70! Entering the second-level rage state!"

The flame demon's hatred towards Qin Mo was also obviously increasing, but Qin Mo ignored his intentions, there were 300 seconds left!

"I want you to die, I will definitely let you die!" He only heard the flame demon finish, his hands were raised at the same time, and a black flame vortex appeared between those hands, as if to swallow the flame emperor in front of him.

A pillar of fire spouted out of Yandi's mouth, and the blazing fire wave blasted towards the flame demon, and the flames between the flame demon's hands began to absorb the pillar of fire here.

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